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[Closed for comments] Customization of the dashboard
Posted Dec 10, 2012
In the new Zendesk Interface, the dashboard by default displays a "Tickets Requiring Your Attention" view. (I realize this is not a "view" in the Zendesk-defined sense) This way of looking at tickets is not customizable - the fields displayed cannot be altered, the column widths cannot be changed, and there's no way to "anchor" alternate views on the left side where the existing icons (for dashboard, reporting, settings, etc) reside. Those are features we consider vital in order for us to use the Lotus interface. The most glaring omission on the default dashboard is the absence of the ticket number. It would be great if Zendesk started by making that change, and then making the dashboard customizable so that it has real value to those users who need a different dataset than Zendesk has provided by default.
Xenia Chilkowich
My biggest frustration with Zendesk as a new user is it is all or nothing. Either you have to be an Administrator and you can do everything or you are below an Administrator and can do virtually no customization. There needs to be some middle ground to allow end users to perform some amount of interface customization to make this tool work for them.
Sjoerd Huisman
+1 for having the possibility to get your own favorite view at the Dashboard
David Tobey
+1 from me. Enable modification of the dashboard like any other view or allow administrators to set a custom view as the default "dashboard" at agent login.
Bartec Auto ID
Like so many others here, I don't need anything complex. Just let me nominate one of my views as the Dashboard display, even if this is set for my whole company. The current display is useless but I only need to change some columns and include the absolutely essential (for us) Organisation field.
Sam Frank
I agree with all the above comments. We don't need anything too fancy, but the homepage dashboard should be able to be manipulated.
Olof Soldatic
+1 for customization. Why cage us to a default view that is of little to no use for most? At least per org. but what would be even more awesome is per user.
We are about to make the switch to Zendesk in the coming months and although being colored by an all self built solution in a small company, at least choosing what your default view should be is for us very basic.
With that said I really like your product so far even if we are not yet operational. Any news on this topic?
We never use dashboard. Our agents are part-time support with slightly different focus areas depending on their primary work. I have created a view for each agent that shows them only the tickets they need to attend. I'd rather have Zendesk to start at whatever view is set as default for an agent instead of showing the Dashboard that fits no one. Or simply set a cookie to remember last visited view and show it instead of the dashboard view.
Brian Morton
#1 non-advertised google search result for "Zendesk Dashboard View" led me to this forum posting. Using ZD Forum searching isn't as good as Google - but that's for another topic I suppose.
* Why not allow Admins remove this button/view for Agents?
* Why not allow Admins customize this view?
* Why is ZD forcing this view on Agents?
Mike Brosius
I would love to be able to edit the dashboard to add the on hold and pending tickets to the list of "Tickets requiring your attention"
This is an absolutely ridiculous thread. I can't believe ZD's original response to this and the obvious demand for change.
Looking forward to help in making this feature happen.
David Tobey
I sympathize with your frustration Hudson but we can't know ZD's prioritization. There may be a half dozen critical bugs or longer-requested features that need to be released first. It's never as easy as it looks.
Nikki Goodson
Here's my input on what I want from the Dashboard "Updates to your tickets". I want to see all updates from end-users, but I do not want to see updates from others admins/agents. There are only two of us - he is Tier 1 and escalates many tickets to me. Unfortunately, I'm not getting caught up on a daily basis - not even close. I use "Views" to work through the tickets, but I like to use the "Updates to your tickets" to see if I get any quick responses from end-users on emails that I've sent today.
Currently, whenever my co-worker is online, my "Updates to your tickets" gets slammed with all of his escalations to me. See this screenshot:
The responses from end-users get lost in the shuffle. I don't plan to tend to his escalations right away - I'll do it in chronological order.
So I would like the ability to hide all "Updates to your tickets" from him so that I can only see the responses from end-users.
Thanks for listening!
Please, please, implement this feature. I am about to write some jank custom javascript so I get returned to My Tickets instead of the dashboard but I don't want to. The sad thing is the update feed is rather nice, but not seeing all my tickets is not.
Matt Picio
I would like to say a big thanks for at least implementing the ticket number and allowing sorting on the other columns. I sincerely hope that Zendesk will consider implementing some of the other previously-mentioned customizations. Thanks!
Gil Zimmerman
Sorry, but I'm not taking the time to read the history. Since DASHBOARD is the big button top left, why can't we see ALL tickets instead of just YOU and GROUP? As an agent and manager, I would prefer not to bounce from DASHBOARD to VIEWS. Please put ALL in between the two boxes there already or make it user customizable.
Clemens van Dinther
I also vote for a feature to customize the dashboard. It appears essential to customize what ticket stats to be displayed there.
Chris Welford
+1 for being able to set a view to show on the dashboard
Indhu Rekha
I also vote to have the dashboard customized instead of having the default one provided by zendesk !
Gaëlle Logeay
It's impressive how Zendesk is not showing interest about this request thread. I even asked for feedback via Twitter ( and they ignored it. It seems that Zendesk has some room to improve it customer service...
Lana Ellis
I have just moved over to the new Zendesk and the Dashboard is the thing I dislike the most. I do not see the point of this and find it a waste of space as the home page. Really needs to be customisable. I have voted. :-)
Analytics SEO Engineering Team
It is a shame this has remained unaddressed in so long. The "updates to your tickets" feed is perhaps the most useless part of the dashboard, and makes several broad assumptions about how companies manage tickets.
I did write an adblock filter to permanently hide this column, but given the zendesk page structure it leaves a large empty column rather than closing nicely, so instead I wrote a filter to hide the "home" icon so users can't get to the dashboard in the first place. Works a treat, especially after I added custom views for the rest of the tickets.
Robert Cartwright
Just piling on. If the Dashboard doesn't allow for customization of content, how about at least allowing us to remove it from sight?
Bob Novak
Hello everyone - thank you for continuing to champion this issue. I understand it is frustrating not to hear back from us, and I sincerely apologize for that. I am revisiting this with our Product team internally and I hope to have a viable option for you in the near future. I can't promise this will happen or give an ETA, as I'm with our Support team, but I wanted you to know that you have been heard and we are taking all of your feedback seriously.
Sjoerd Huisman
+1 for Bob.
Please keep us informed!
Robert Cartwright
Thanks Bob. We'll be looking forward to hearing what the Zendesk team comes up with as a solution.
Bob Novak
We are currently evaluating the best approach for this, trying to keep it "beautifully simple". I don't have an ETA but I have seen a few mockups so we do have some progress. I'll try to update you more frequently than we have in the past. Thanks again for your great feedback, patience, and understanding.
Larry Deckel
If one can't customize this dashboard - then it would be nice for you to be able to choose a view you create yourself as the default page that opens when you log in and/or click the home button in the interface.
If the dashboard doesn't meet our purposes and needs - it would be nice to get it out of the way. Thanks.
Monica Turley
I really need this feature too! Please make it available as soon as possible! If the views can adjusted, why can't the home page?????
Owen Pragel
I have been following this request for almost all of the two years it has been open and it continues to disappoint me that there has been no movement on it. I've resorted to using hacky javascript code I wrote to avoid the dashboard altogether even though I would love a proper Zendesk dashboard.
Steve Simitzis
Wow. New customer here. I found this thread after searching for the right admin setting to customize the dashboard, because *of course* that would be something you can do – but it isn't! I can't even believe it. So yes. Consider this my upvote!