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Add 'Remove cc' trigger/automation action
Posted Feb 13, 2012
Dear Zendesk
It would be great to have a bit more control over 'cc' functionality via triggers. In addition to being able to specify end users as cc on tickets via triggers (, please could you add a new trigger action 'remove cc'?
(Business case: allow the agent to send a one-off notification to another user, allowing them to add a on-time private comment to the ticket, but not copy them in on all future correspondence on a ticket. In the interests of streamlining agent workflow as much as possible, I'd like to automate this process.)
Matthew Knight
+1 I have recently started using Zendesk and quickly needed this functionality so we can escalate tickets outside of Zendesk and allow the user to respond without being added as a CC.
I have put together an API call using liquid markup in a Zendesk trigger that does the trick but it isn't the most elegant solution:
{% assign cc_list = "[" %}
{% for cc in ticket.ccs %}
{% if != %}
{% assign cc_list = cc_list | append: '"' | append: | append: '",' %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{"ticket": {"collaborators": {{ cc_list | append: "]" | replace: ",]","]" }} } }
The above just removes the current user's email address from the list of CC's.
Eugene Tarasula
+ 1 on removing CC via automation
+1 on allowing self CC removal by replying back to the email with some "Secret" word (#NoCC)
Mindaugas Verkys
probably it's too complex task for zendesk devs :D
Nicole Saunders
Hey Mindaugas -
Please don't disparage our hard-working dev team. They're working on lots of awesome stuff!
CC issues involve a hefty evaluation around security and business impact - things that seem like they solve problems for some users create problems for others. I know that product is looking into several issues around CC functionality right now, and am hoping to have some updates around those things soon.
Harald Winkelmann
Need a macro for removing a certain known address from CC.
Identical to the action "Ticket -> Add CC", I need a new action "Ticket -> Remove CC"
Nicole Saunders
Hi all -
Quick update, the team is evaluating how CCs work and they're looking at a number of different possible solutions for the problems that currently exist within the cc functionality. They haven't yet made any final updates to what the solution(s) will be, but we'll continue to update you here as more specifics are determined.
Robert Orzanna (Sheetgo)
This would be a great addition! Missing this feature for Macro > Add action > Remove CC
There already exists action Add CC, so it would be more than logical to also have Remove CC.
Any comment?
Nicole Saunders
Hi Robert -
Thanks for your feedback. The product team is looking into what they can do with cc's.
Robert Orzanna (Sheetgo)
Great, Nicole! Looking forward to their thoughts.
Davey Bar-Shimon
Still waiting on CC Removal automation fix.... clue us in!
Nicole Saunders
Hey Davey -
No updates at this time. The Product team is looking into a number of possible improvements to CC's and determining which ones they can build and will have the most impact. We'll provide updates as soon as we hear anything.
Thanks Nicole, 6 years to the date this was suggested and this basic functionality has not been introduced. #sadface
There are some workarounds available for those that want to remove all CC's or you could modify i guess for select CC's.
Disclaimer: It's not officially supported, which brings us back to... It's been 6 years - can some one work on this and make some #smileyfaces
Nicole Saunders
Hey Lucas -
I know, I know.. But I can't speak to how things were run prior to my time here. We're doing a lot internally to fix those communication problems and have much better management of this part of the community, but it takes time to have an impact, and unfortunately they can't build all of the products requested in all of the long-standing threads at once. The good news is, they are building some of them!
As for this request specifically, the product team is actively looking into a number of things around CC's, and they're planning to have an EAP at the end of the month. I can't say for certain whether it will solve this particular issue, but am hopeful that they'll find some solutions that will help.
Thanks @Nicole.
I know how it is, but we have to nudge sometimes :)
Have a great day.
Nicole Saunders
Thanks, Lucas. :) We'll keep pushing product for answers.
Thomas D'Hoe
It would also be great to do it with Macro's
Jalle van Goor den Oosterlingh
Hi @Nicole, how are things concerning the EAP?
Since we are almost halve way through March :).
Kristen Mirenda
Hi @jalle and everyone -- just an update, we agree this is a good idea and appreciate your all sharing the use cases behind the request.
The new CCs functionality remains in closed EAP with a small number of customers are we learn and iterate to the point where it's ready for a public launch. Anything touching email is extremely complex and high-risk, and it takes a lot of time to get it right.
To be clear, the feature set in EAP does not currently include this exact functionality. But it unblocks us in that there is now a foundation on which we could build it.
The other obstacle remains, which is shared by most organizations -- we have a limited set of resources and a nearly unlimited list of things we could be doing. Given that situation, while we recognize that the requested functionality would be valuable, it is not currently planned. We'll provide an update when that changes.
Jalle van Goor den Oosterlingh
Thanks for the update @Kirsten!
Jeff Ma
If it hasn't already been said, I would like to add the option to remove by domain. Our use case is that our employees are trained to CC everyone when creating tickets in the past. But as we move forward, it would be nice to know that if it came in from our e-mail domain, we can just remove those but keep any CC the customer might have added.
Chris Ready
We really require this feature and as a result are using the HTTP target workaround posted in this thread.
Unfortunately we've found it's not 100% reliable - sometimes when we action it via a trigger, the CC gets removed in the back end but not on the GUI. Then the agent will add a follow up note and the CC gets inadvertently added back onto the ticket.
Has anyone had a similar experience and found a fix?
The CC in this case is a Light Agent who we are @ mentioning but no longer which to have them CC'd on the ticket after the @mention.
Aaron Schweitzer
+1 for this feature.
Being able to remove cc's on ticket creation (vs update as indicated in the HTTP target workaround) as well as adjust specific cc's would be ideal.
Given that all other notifications are Trigger - driven, it seems intuitive to do the same with these.
Joy Vincent
Hello @Kirsten and @Nicole,
It's been several months since your last update on this feature. Can you provide a status and eta here?
Kristen Mirenda
Hi @joy -- the status remains the same as on May 11. The foundational work is still in beta, and there is no specific plan at this time to implement the requested feature.
Rodney Finlayson
Hello @Kirsten and @Nicole,
Any update to this feature request ?
Kristen Mirenda
Hi @rodney -- we have no further update at this time.
Jeremy Holmes
It is understandable that this takes a good bit of testing, but this feature has potential benefits across multiple scenarios. It is also one that seems that there would be greater progress on it since this thread is almost 7 years old. Is there any possibility we will see this in the next few months?
+1 for this too.
We have users who cc their own Support team who use Zendesk. Chaos ensues as the various ticket systems send acknowledgements
Wally West
+100000000000 :)
Any update on this? We really need the funcationality of removing Cc'd users. The issue: When a person sends in a ticket through an email and Cc's people for awareness, the original user receives just a ticket update email from Zendesk when we reply to them. The ticket update email mentions nothing about Cc'd users, and goes to all Cc'd individuals.
When those Cc'd individuals reply to the ticket, they think they are only talking to us, when in fact they are messaging the entire group. You can see where this could create some awkward email situations.
Thank you