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Add end-user as CC via Trigger or Automation

Not Planned

Posted Oct 22, 2009

Desired functionality: a way to automatically add a CC to tickets that match a certain condition.

Example: Trigger if Organization is "Acme Co" and Priority is more than Normal, then "Add CC" - specifying an end-user email address.  This would allow the organization's primary contact stay in the loop about what their employees have requested.

Workaround: use a notify target "email" type to send emails to the person who needs to be CC'd.




I agree - this is a basic requirement and should be fixed.  The only workaround I can see is purchasing additional seats


Here's a response when I submitted a ticket. This isn't as "Planned" as anyone suggests. 

Hi Jon,

Thanks for your response - I understand completely that you want the list of agents in the drop down menu that appears when adding the condition of Add CCs when creating a trigger to be a list - or rather include in the list - your users.

As this functionality is not on the foreseen roadmap of features to include I would like to offer an additional alternative that may be able to achieve your desired workflow:

You can have your Email Target point to an email set up to forward to a list of users (that you would maintain outside of Zendesk) that way the users on the list would have notifications (That you would set up in a trigger) of all updates of any kind to any ticket in the respective organization associated with that external list.

So long as the organization is shared the users would be able to see the update and log in to Zendesk to find the ticket and be able to add comments. If not shared they will not be able to make comments.

Zendesk is not designed to be a mass email service so this is the main reason for the functionality you asked for not being included at this time. I do feel the workaround(s) using an email target for each user or better still a target to an email forwarding list may provide the solution you want here.

Sorry that this is not the exact solution you requested and I completely understand and empathize with any incurred frustration. Please let me know if you have any additional questions and I'd be happy to continue assisting you!

Love Your Zendesk,

Jeremiah Currier | Customer Advocate |


Funny thing is he doesn't understand two things:

1) I want a text box, not a different popup. My end users can CC anyone in their emails, why can't I?

2) I can't have _all_ tickets go to a user. I have multiple clients sending tickets to a single email. His solution would result in one client getting all issues. Furthermore, if I generate a ticket, it doesn't do anything to solve the problem.



Time to push again for a zendesk migration tool..


Yes please - this is exactly what we need. We have over 500 facilities with several thousand customers in each and this is becoming more and more critical for us.


Over three years and nothing


Jon Thompson,

While your reply is perhaps a bit hash, I too feel your pain, and I really would like this feature to be implemented.

The fact that one customer support agent says it's not on the roadmap somewhat worries me, but at the same time, this issue seems so easy to fix/implement, that it could be added whenever they feel like it, at least that's what I hope.



Thanks for posting the support workaround - this worked perfect for me!

Basically i'm looking to alert Account Managers and Executive  Management when the TIcket Priority is greater than Normal or the Custom field "Escalation" is checked.  I simply created emails groups and  corresponding EMail Targets.  I then created Triggers to perform a "Notify Target" and included '{{ticket.comments_formatted}}" in the message.

I actually prefer this to a CC.  We manually cc internal people on tickets and somethimes they simply Reply to All and unknowingly update the ticket.  thankfully there has been nothing damaging.





As I posted the harsher email, I also must post a better one..

Despite my very public posting, and harsh wording, Jeremiah has been very patient with me. It was I that didn't understand the power of the email target solution that he suggested. While it isn't as powerful as cc'ing every ticket, it is still a very useful tool. In this instance, I opted to create a base camp target rather than email, as this is preferred by the client.

As you can see in the reply I am copying to the forum, he states that the functionality "Adding CCs as a trigger action" is planned for this quarter, and that he misspoke about it not being a planned feature. I'm excited to see this. Considering, that CCs as a trigger action is already technically enabled, I interpret his statement as the features described in the later portion of this thread.


Let me apologize I didn't see the "Planned" flag and apologize for giving you incorrect information and saying that it was not on our foreseen roadmap.

According to our Product Team we are planning to deliver this functionality "Adding CCs as a trigger action" in Q1 of this year.

I can completely understand how seeing 2009 but "Planned" could be confusing and again I apologize for giving you incorrect information by saying it was not on our roadmap - I can assure you it is, again in Q1 of this year.

Please let me know if you have any additional questions.


Jeremiah Currier | Customer Advocate |


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Jennifer Rowe

Zendesk Documentation Team

Jeff, glad to hear that the workaround worked for you. If you think it's an alternative other users might be interested in (even with the CC trigger action coming) maybe you can post it as a tip in our Community Tips forum! That would be awesome.

Jon, thanks for posting the update (and much nicer comment)! :) Really glad to know the feature is truly planned--and soon!


Just adding my two cents that CCing a non agent would solve my problem at hand as well and I'm glad to see that it is planned to be deployed Q1.

I tried using an email target but the fact that replying to the email just opens a new ticket made it a no go.

Anybody have a work around for this until the new functionality is out? All I need is the email target to be able to respond with a comment.


@Adam, the only "workable" solution we've found is to include a warning in the e-mail that replying doesn't work, and to include a link to the ticket. We too are anticipating this feature, as it will greatly help our customer needs.


Is there an updated eta on this feature?


Any update?


Yes, this would really help us as well. Are we still on track for Q1 release?


We are desperately waiting for this FR especially for Organisations which require notifications to a Group and not to the user who opened the case. Very interesting in case the end-user is on holidays and his colleagues can reply on his behalf.


Any update on this? The workaround we have in place is a bit buggy and this would make life much easier for us.


To be able to configure an automation that added a CC of an End User or specific email address (rather than just an Agent) for tickets belonging to a particular Group would be great.

I look forward to seeing the day this minor requested is implemented in what is otherwise a superb product.




Yes to this being added! The current work around with setting a target and then notifying target has many flaws including still having to manually add them under cc if you want them to be part of the conversation within the ticket. Also gets messy and complicated if you want to notify them when the ticket closes/etc. It ends up sending them many unnecessary emails which they can't even respond to. This is a huge feature that is missing from the Help Desk. Please add this soon!!


Marissa, that is the exact same workaround we are doing and it is less than ideal as you noted.

So guys, any update. It was stated that this would be deployed Q1. Can you at least get an estimate on when this may be coming?


Hello any update on this?


+1 - We really need the functionality to have a Trigger CC an end-user. Our end-users are all internal customers. I have admins that need to be CC'd on every ticket within their resource unit(Organization). They need to be CC'd because their guys do not always tell them when they send a request to us. And to ask them to always have their zendesk open on the organization tab constantly refreshing it is obsurd. We also have two admins that share an organization and I need to be able to CC each one based on who the requestor is of that organization. 

It's very time consuming and tedious to list out the people needing to be CC'd on each request. If we could set up a trigger it would save us a lot of time and it would save our end users a lot of frustration.

I do understand that a drop down list with all of our end users would get long. So why not have an open text field. There is an open text field in blacklisting certain email addresses from being CC'd. 

I really don't understand why this can't be done. This request has been around for nearly 4 years.

Can someone please explain why this will not be implemented or if it will be, when?


+1 on this one! We have several end users that request us to CC other email addresses always when we send them new tickets. Given that we have so many end users, it is hard to remember which ones, hence this would really improve our customer service


Another +1 for adding a simple text field for CCs to the triggers. I have triggers set up for each org we are working with, and they want their org PMs to be copied on all tickets, but as of now, the ability to CC a particular end user email is not possible. 


When will this feature be available.




Please advise on the status of this request?

From Jennifer Rowe:  Jon, thanks for posting the update (and much nicer comment)! :) Really glad to know the feature is truly planned--and soon!     January 10, 2013 09:22

That was 8 months ago.  PLEASE provide a definitive timeline.  I don't want to implement a work-around, if the actual feature I want is going to be rolled out in two weeks.


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Jennifer Rowe

Zendesk Documentation Team

HI Chris,

Yes, the projected timing Jon reported above from his support ticket obviously didn't happen.

There is no update from the team to report right now. Sorry I don't have better news.



+1, specifically for being able to CC end users. Our use case is basically the same as the original post. 


Now that we can all CC end users, you realise that their replies are PUBLIC?

As opposed to a light agents replies being private.


So basically you now have the ability to cc any one of your customers (in our case over 5000) on a ticket by mistake and have them respond to a ticket directly to a customer!!!

This is potentially catastrophic.


Our requirement isn't for an End User to be CC'd on a trigger or automation - but something a little simpler.

For an Organisation, we need to be able to nominate one or many Users to be automatically CC'd on every ticket linked to that organisation.

We would only need to be able to choose from users linked to that organisation.

Agents or the CC'd user would be able to remove them as a CC on a per-ticket basis.


@Adam: That's possible today, though not exactly as you described.

We have the concept of "shared" organizations in Zendesk. When an Organization is marked as shared, it means any member of that Organization can view the tickets submitted by themselves and their peers. You can go a step further and also allow them to collaborate on each other's tickets, but that's a further option of Shared organizations, and not a default.

Member of shared organizations can go to web portal, clicking on the name of their organization in the top menu (or clicking "Organization Requests", I'm working from memory here!) and then they'll see a subscribe link location near the top right of the page. Each time someone submits a ticket or a comment, anyone subscribed gets an email notification.


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