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FEATURE REQUEST: Back reference to see which triggers reference a support address
Posted Sep 29, 2021
I have several hundred support addresses in my instance - it would be incredibly helpful to be able to see at a glance in which trigger a support address is referenced.
I picture this being similar to the "References" section when viewing a dynamic content entry.
It could easily be hidden behind a popup/modal on the "Channels > Email" page so no major design changes are required.
DJ Jimenez
Nathan Purcell if you have access to Rule Analysis ( there's a section that lists where email addresses are used as "Received at" conditions within rules. You can view all the email addresses at once or an individual email address
Rule analysis can be found at /admin/objects-rules/rules/rule-analysis (Admin Center > Objects and rules > Business rules > Rule analysis)
Nathan Purcell
That's an incredibly helpful function that I didn't know existed! Thanks!
Dave Dyson