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Side Conversations - Including commenter email address when attaching ticket comments

Posted Sep 22, 2021

Currently, when creating a side conversation, agents have the ability to attach comments from the original ticket thread. The system includes the name of the commenter, the timestamp the comment was made, the text of the comment, and any attachments associated with that comment. It would be helpful to also include the commenter's email address.

We often use side conversations to forward a ticket to a department that doesn't use Zendesk to perform a task that requires them to reach out to the commenter, while keeping the original ticket to perform another task asked by the commenter. Agents have to remember to add in the commenter's email address when creating the side conversation as this info does not carry over when adding the ticket comments. 




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Toby Sterrett

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi Andrea. The email addresses are actually not included currently because of the opposite problem that can sometimes happen: leaking individual agent email addresses out to recipients. We've thought about including the email addresses but swapping any individual agent addresses out for the address the the side conversations themselves get sent from. Would that work for you?


@... I don't want to include the agent's email, but the end-user (the ticket commenter). An example of this would be, a customer sends an email to our Customer Service department asking us to place an order and to have their sales rep contact them about renewing their contract. We want to keep the ticket so Customer Service can process the order and send a side conversation to the sales rep asking them to contact the customer. When we create the side conversation and include the ticket comment from the customer, it doesn't include the customer's email address. So the sales rep has to come back to Customer Service asking for that info. It slows down the process. 


We have a similar scenerio..the ticket form information populates on the left side of the Agent view but when we send a side conversation to another dept to handle the request, we must copy and paste the ticket form information so the managing dept has all their information and request.  Is there a way to attach the ticket form to the side conversation so they have it and we don't have to copy and paste the form information into the side conversation?  Thanks!



@... Totally agree with Andrea, we need this function for sure. For my company our team is the only one using zendesk and we are now using email side conversation to forward the email for other department's attention, it will be great if the email could be shown like when we are forwarding email in gmail (e.g. Ashley Yau <>) 


We are having the same issue on our end, the whole point of including the ticket information is to capture the ticket information in its entirety. hiding this information is causing extra work for our agents.



we have the same issue. We manually add the e-mail-address by copy and paste several times a day.

Agents have to remember adding the mail address manually.

This is quite time consuming.


The email address should be included but also the agent should have the option to edit the linked comment to be able to remove any details if necessary, including the user name & email address.


I was just looking to add a post with just that request. It is really frustrating not being able to see the e-mail address when we forward it and it complicates things. I think that this should be fixed easily and hope that the product developers will consider it. 

This has nothing to do with data protection. Why else should someone forward a ticket if not for the receiver to do something with the information. 


I agree with the above comments.  We have the same issue and for our company it would be very helpful to have the mail address displayed. Hope that you will implement that very soon, thank you.


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