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Urgent feature request: GDPR compliant cookie consent management at Zendesk-HelpCenter

Posted Sep 11, 2020

Hey folks,

at first I'd like to say: Thank You! Zendesk helps us a lot. And don't get me wrong. We like using your solutions and this is just a cry for help - otherwise we would need to have a look at other solutions.

Unfortunately we need to setup a proper GDPR compliant cookie-consent-management solution at our Zendesk-HelpCenter page. Meaning that when someone enters our HelpCenter Page only functional cookies are allowed to be set (session cookie for example). All other cookies need consent. And if the consent is given there need to be a way to revoke it. Just leaving a message/popup that cookies are set and linking to isn't enough!

I already had a conversation with ZD support over the last two weeks and it ended with this:

Would mean that we need to leave ZD. As ALL other customers from the EU would need, too. Please prove me wrong :)

Before you redirect me:

Ony this article came quite close (2 years ago!): But comments aren't allowed anymore.

Best regards, Sebastian





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Gorka Cardona-Lauridsen

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi all and sorry for only noticing this thread now, it had unfortunately slipped through the cracks.

In this article we have documented how you can implement a third party cookie consent service of your choice in the theme code.

Using a third party software is currently the only method.


I am seconding this request. We are trying to make all of our sites, including the Help Center ones, GDPR compliant. The article that I found by Zendesk here: just doesn't cut it for us. Asking us to purchase a third party software to control Zendesk's cookies is not an acceptable solution for us.


I'd be keen to hear more too.


I wanted to check if you had an update to this request? Or is purchasing a thrid party software the only solution that is offered? Thanks!


Still a thing - no one replied on that - nothing implemented so far.


Can't find any update or response to this. Is anyone working on it? 


We're having the same issue and I'm baffled that we need to lean on third-party services to get this implemented. Cookie consent/management should be part of the core product given GDPR compliance has been a core topic in our industry for a few years now.


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