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Increase ticket archiving period

Posted Jul 07, 2020


It would be great if the period after which a closed ticket gets archived could be increased from 120 days to 1 year, or if it could be made customizable.

We know about the exporting options, but would love to be able to see those older tickets in the views.

Thank you!





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Gaurav Parbat

Zendesk Product Manager

Hello Tetiana and Лиляна,

Can you please help me understand why you need to increase the ticket archiving period from 120 days to longer? You can search for archived tickets and can access all archived tickets in the User Profile, Organization profile and see them in the customer interaction history on the ticket.  Tickets are generally archived to maximize views performance. What are the reasons that you would still want to include archived tickets in views?


I agree with this idea. It would be also very useful to disable tickets archiving or at least add some note in the Interaction tab that there are archived tickets that have been created by the client.
For our team, it is important to have access to all customer's inquiries, and at the moment, we do not have such an opportunity.


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