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New Multi-Select Field and Conditional Fields App
Posted Dec 19, 2017
When using the conditional fields app to condition the new multi select field, it does not condition the field, rather, it ends up exposing all the fields related to the overall field. For example, if I conditioned this multi-select field to Drop Down field A which has several drop downs and conditions, it ends up showing all the fields that are conditioned related to Drop Down A. Hard to describe but just imagine that there was no conditioning and where all the fields show up, that is basically what happens.
I opened a ticket where the Zendesk Advocate was able to recreate the issue which was then escalated.
Here is the answer given:
"As per checking this with our Product Team, I was informed that The Multi-selected field is not supported by the Conditional Fields app. This is the reason why the fields that are dependent on the value of the Multi-selected field are already showing up on the form."
As we currently use the Conditional Fields App for all of our conditional formatting, we need this app to to support the new multi-selected field and future fields so we may utilize them.
Kiran Max Weber
Built-in Conditional Ticket Fields is ready for customers to sign up for an early access program! 🎉
The Conditional Fields app (“CFA”) is being replaced by built-in Conditional Ticket Fields (“CTF”) in Support. Conditional ticket fields allows you to define conditions on a ticket form to show only certain ticket fields based on agent and end-user input.
We’ve maintained feature parity*, fixed a bunch of problems, and even built a self-serve migration process from CFA to CTF (it’ll auto disable CFA in Support and Guide). The Web Widget will support conditional ticket fields, too!
Please note you must have the Professional plan productivity pack add-on or be on the Enterprise plan to use conditional fields.
You can sign-up now and the early access program will begin mid-Q1. If you sign up, you'll see a call to action on your ticket forms page when your account is added to the early access program.
Sign up for the conditional ticket fields early access program
Dan Ross
Multi-select is sadly useless to us without this support. We have too many forms with many logic branches to help agents and users select the right fields.
Patrick Townley
Agreed - most things I would want to be multi-selectable would be very different based on answers in other fields.
Roar Amundsen
Multi select fields as useful as they sound, are useless without use of the app!
Ashley Doyle
One thing I'm interested in knowing is, why aren't conditional fields a standard feature of Zendesk Support? It's the best way to ensure tickets are assigned to the correct agents when you're dealing with multiple groups/customer types/ brands etc.
Great app, but IMO should be standard.
I would also like to have Multi-Select supported with the Conditional Fields app. Our team already uses the Conditional Fields app for our tickets to streamline workflows, and we were excited about the Multi-Select Field option as this would allow for us to tag specific notes in our tickets that can come up during the calls that our agents handle.
I really would like this field added to the Conditional Fields app.
Amie Harris
This would be convenient to have supported for all my Forms. +1
Kiran Max Weber
The conditional fields app will be replaced by native conditional ticket fields. For those who have been following, we're getting close! 🎉 Once we're ready, we plan to not only support the multi-select field type, but all ticket field types.
That's great! Will we be notified and/or have to make changes to our existing conditional fields when this change gets implemented?
Nicole Saunders
Hey Caitlin -
Make sure you're following this thread, as we'll be sure to post it here. I also recommend following the Announcements section of the Knowledge Base, as most new releases get announced there.
Nylas Inc
I'd like to throw in my +1 for Multi-field select support on the conditional fields app as well. In our support flows, tickets have many multi-select fields, and within those multi-select fields it's common that multiple things are selected.
Being able to create a simple workflow for our customers to self-assign these fields when submitting a ticket would really help both our customers and our support team.
Very glad to hear that native conditional ticket fields are rolling out.
Pedro Rodrigues
Will the native integration allow us to set up the same user experience in the web widget?
Also, Explore vs multi-select
Socorro Fernandez
This is so exciting!
@Pedro Looks like the web widget will support conditional fields tickets too!
Also YES THIS!!!!:
• Ability to use a ticket field in more than one condition on the same ticket form
I def know this is a huge win overall to be able to clean up a ton of our external facing and internal facing requests using the same ticket form. Cheers!
+1 I love the new Conditional Fields interface but desperately needed it to work with the multi-select field today
Paulo Llanes
With the new built-in conditional field from this year's new update, is it on the road map to include multi-select to be conditional?
Rose Anderson
Being able to set conditions on one or more selections in a multi-select drop down is absolutely essential to limiting the number of fields on the page.
I am creating a form for my sales team to submit requests to my support team. I have just discovered that in order to show fields based on the type of work sales needs, I have to make 5 check boxes and show fields based on those instead of allowing sales to to just pick multiple tasks from a multi-select drop down. This is going to make the form considerably longer and more cluttered.
Do you have a time frame for when conditions based on multi-select fields will become supported?
Jamie Noell
+1 for adding multi-select fields as a condition option on form conditional fields
Farooq M
How can I add a default value for the multi-select field?
i have tried :
document.getElementById('request_custom_fields_360034503311').value = "Long-term contracts";
<!-- $("#request_custom_fields_360034503311").append("<ul><li role="option"><span>Long-term contracts</span></li></ul>"); -->
<!-- $('.hc-multiselect-toggle').find("ul[aria-labelledby="request_custom_fields_360034503311_label"]").append("<li>Long-term contracts</li>"); -->
<!-- $('[for="#request_custom_fields_360034503311"]').value('Select oneee'); -->
<!-- document.multiselect('#request_custom_fields_360034503311').selectAll(); -->
Nicole Saunders
Hi Farooq,
You cannot set a default value for a multi-select field. These fields are not set up to be customized in that way.
Richard Ly
+1 for adding multi-select fields as a condition option on form conditional fields.
Mike Ware
Just to add another voice to be obnoxious, adding multi-select fields to the conditional fields app would be fantastic... as another user stated, i'm currently using 8 checkboxes to accomplish the task rather than a single multi-select field.
Is there any timeline that can be provided for when this feature might appear?
Taylor Wilson
+1 for conditions for multi-select fields
According to the Product Manager, this was supposed to be included with the rollout of conditions? What happened? And is it being worked on currently?
Chad Susa (Gravity CX - Zendesk Partner)
+1 for Conditions on Multi-Select. At present, I can't have my nice 'Other' workflow on a Multi-Select field.
ie: Requester selects 'Other', then a text field conditionally appears asking for 'Other' more info...bit troublesome with current customer workflow I'm working on.
+1 for Conditional Fields working with multi-select fields. It would allow some of my customer facing forms to work a lot better.
Jimmy Rufo
Terrible that multi-select fields cannot be considered for conditional fields functionality. ZD needs to be better here, as that feature was a critical piece to upgrading to productivity pack.
Carson den Dulk
+1 for adding multi-select fields as a condition option on form conditional fields
Lauren Ell
Hi, is there any updates please for when we can expect to be able to use conditions for multi-select fields? Thanks.
Ben Wilcox
Apologies if there's another thread for this, but what I'm looking to do is have a multi-select field where the condition (or is there a way to do this with some other kind of business rule?) that mandates that if, say, I have a multi-select field with 3 options, there is a rule that says you MUST select ANY 2 of the 3 in order to save or solve a ticket? Not seeing this anywhere. If it exists, can you point me in the right direction? Thanks!
You can set the field that you have created to be 'Required to solve a ticket' by following the steps in the article To add a custom ticket field.
I trust this helps. Have a great day!