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Preserve Group and Assignee for user-generated follow-up tickets


Posted Mar 13, 2012

Whenever a user writes back to a Closed ticket, a follow-up is created without Group or Assignee.

If the original ticket was assigned a Group or Assignee, i think those should be preserved in the follow-up. 

It would help keep track of the follow-up tickets better. (right now they are just lost in an "everything else" view) 




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Andrew J

Community Moderator

Terry, Zendesk does work on the attributes when closed, not when first opened. There must be more going on, you mentioned sharing, is this within your helpdesk or another Zendesk account?


This is something we need but 90 comments over 9 years and no action?

The workarounds are not great, we have 40+ groups, we would need triggers for each one?

This is a feature you would just expect to be native, not something which requires a workaround.


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Andrew J

Community Moderator

So what would this option look like?
My thought is...

Follow up ticket options:
[] Preserve agent on follow up ticket
[] Preserve group on follow up ticket

If agent no longer exists
O Return to group, no assignee OR
O Return to no group, no assignee
If group no longer exists returns to no group

Comments, suggestions, options?



Yes, makes sense to me.

Currently everything goes to our default group without an assignee and then has to be triaged, if our default group is busy which it often is, this prolongs the time before it is reassigned.


@..., I think your radio buttons can be eliminated with a couple of notes and a behavior clarification for checkbox #2 to preserve the assigned agent: checking it would require and also auto-check the box to preserve the group.

Follow-up ticket options:

[] Preserve assigned group when a follow-up ticket is created. If the group no longer exists, assigns to NO group.

[] Preserve assigned agent when a follow-up ticket is created. If the agent account no longer exists or is no longer a member of the assigned group, assigns to NO group with NO agent.


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Andrew J

Community Moderator

I am wondering if some people would like to preserve the agent even if they are in a different group.
I like the reduction of options, but not totally sure it is simple to understand the expected behavior particularly around if the agent is no longer a member of the group.


We currently have triggers that attempt to manage this by taking some of the values on the followup ticket and assigning it back to the same group. The problem is that we need a trigger to do this for every group, and if something else interferes with any of those values the trigger fails and we end up with a ticket assigned to the wrong group or no group at all. Since we have 28+ groups in our Zendesk this feature is a priority for us! 


Hi, @...!

We also use triggers for this. In our case we have 2 triggers per group. The first trigger adds a tag when the ticket status is changed to "closed". Let's say the group is named Group A. The trigger, when ticket is closed, adds the tag: followup_group_a.

The second trigger then looks for creation of followup-tickets + the different tags for different groups. The followup-ticket inherits the tags from the main one, and thus I can assign the ticket to the group that solved the main ticket.


This is marked "Answered" but there's no answer pinned, and it's a feature request. Does this mean this will not be considered? 


Can this not be marked "answered" as it is a feature request? It's very confusing and hard to tell if Zendesk is planning to implement this, or doesn't consider it a feature request, or what exactly. 


Sure thing CJ, I've removed the "Answered" tag here. I don't have any news otherwise, though.


Interested in this- following we need the same thing



What a HOT MESS! This should be "inborn" functionality to retain group/assignee or if assignee not present, back to group level. If group not present, no group. This is causing real business impact to our operation.


We just stumbled upon this issue ourselves and figured it might be a good idea to have the original assignee be a follower on the new ticket so they get a notification immediately. What's really funny is that all followers are carried over from the original ticket, but the assignee or assignee group is wiped.

We have already implemented several triggers to "clean up" follow-up tickets, but there is no way to access the original assignee or their group.


Agreed. I swear that Zendesk used to behave this way natively but maybe I just have bad memory. Tickets opened as followup to Closed tickets should definitely retain the group if not the assignee. We can work around it with triggers and tags, but when you have a long list of groups and intake emails, it's difficult to manage this way. 


Can we please have an update from the product team?


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Pedro Rodrigues

Community Moderator

Hi Gaurav Parbat , great news! The announcement doesn't clarify whether the Group will be preserved if there was no Assignee in the original ticket, can you please confirm? Thanks!


Hi Pedro Rodrigues,  group will be preserved as long as it's valid (not deleted). 


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