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Call Routing - Direct Dial an Agent
Posted May 08, 2017
I did a search and did not see the specific use case so my apologies ahead of time if this is an "easy", "no brainier" that I am missing.
This is the setup I want to use:
Post a number on a customers page specific to that customers "assigned" representative.
When client dials the number posted on their page, I want to ring that agent 1st.
If that agent is not available, ring to agent 2.
If agent 2 is not available go to Voicemail 1.
Any help on suggested setup is greatly appreciated. All agents will have a unique direct dial number.
Dan Cooper
I'm not familiar with the Talk product, but this scenario intrigues me since it's what we do through Avaya today on a large scale. Looking through the help center it looks like you could setup a failover number which might solve routing to the second agent.
In addition, I'm thinking a trigger to set the agent if a voicemail came in at a certain number could maybe work. I don't think it would scale, but for a small team it might be usable.
Atul Verma
Hello Chris,
The feature which you are looking for, may not be available as there is no option to prioritize the agent, but you can make a group with all the agents who so ever will be responsible for that department. If customer calls, it should be routed to that group so do all the agents in it. Anyone can pickup the call. If required, call can be transferred to the same agent.
- Try to create a group by following people --> Group --> Create and add agents who should be in the group.
- Now go to Channel --> Talk --> Numbers ( Second Tab) --> Add a number if it is not added / Click on you Phone number --> Routing --> Always route the call under schedule. Disable the IVR if it is enable. Then you can assign the groups which you want to assign as a default. Then all the calls should be routed to this group.
Thanks and regards
Atul Verma
Chris Lambert
Daniel & Atul,
Thank you for the feedback / suggestions.
Atul, that is not really the setup I am looking for so what I am looking to do may not be possible in a traditional sense so I am looking for additional suggestions for setup - workarounds. Just for some clarification on the setup.
We have agents, example: Tom, Sally and Jeff
Each agent supports a specific client, Example: Client A is supported by Tom, Client B is supported by Sally and Client C is supported by Jeff
When Client A needs support, they call Tom, their designated support agent. So when Tom's Zendesk number is dialed I need the call to ring to Tom first every time. If Tom is not available / on another call I would like to put on hold for x minutes and then roll that call over to Sally. If Sally is not available I want the call to go to Tom's voicemail.
Not sure if that made sense or not, but a couple key pieces of "control" within Zendesk I can't seem to identify is, how do I have a number pointed to 1 individual person (like a direct line) and how can I structure the call roll-over to additional agents?
Any suggestions / thoughts / feedback on this is greatly appreciated!
Atul Verma
Hello Chris,
I just tried to create your issue in my Zendesk:
- I created Support group 1 for Client A and put Tom in it.
- And created Support group 2 for Client B and put Sally in this. You can add many agents in second group.
- Then under Routing tab, changed Schedule as Always Route the call, disabled IVR and other routing groups. Only enabled these two groups which contains Tom and Sally. When Client A will call the number, it will first reach to Support group 1 so will Tom, if Tom is not available, it will reach to Support group 2, so will Sally and if Sally is also not present or busy, call should go to default Support group 1 for voice mail. Please remember that if you have many agents in Support group 2 or in any group, call will be routed to every agent one by one.
- Under Default group I selected Support group 1 for default voice mail then clicked on Save Changes button. Please see this picture.
This is the best I could try for you. Hope this helps out !!
Atul Verma
Chris Lambert
Thank you! That setup seems to be the answer to my setup quandary. Very much appreciated!
Atul Verma
You are most welcome. I am glad that it worked. Please get in touch with me for any Zendesk related issues.
Atul Verma