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Disable "Was this article helpful?" in Zendesk Guide


Posted Aug 16, 2019

I wish there was a way to disable "Was this article helpful?" upvote/downvote at the bottom of an article. The design is distracting away from the content of the page.




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Dan Ross

Community Moderator

Hey Desmond,

in your template for file titled article.hdbs, you might have a section that looks like this

{{#with article}}
<div class="article-votes">
<span class="article-votes-question">{{t 'was_this_article_helpful'}}</span>
<div class="article-votes-controls" role='radiogroup'>
{{vote 'up' role='radio' class='button article-vote article-vote-up'}}
{{vote 'down' role='radio' class='button article-vote article-vote-down'}}
<small class="article-votes-count">
{{vote 'label' class='article-vote-label'}}

Removing it should remove the voting interface from all articles.

If it doesn't work, please post your article.hdbs contents and ideally a link to an affected page and I can take a closer look.


How do i hide this from the ios itself. If i were to add a display:none for the class article-votes, it does not take effect. 


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Dan Ross

Community Moderator

Hey @...


Can you link to a page you expect it to be hidden? Without a URL to test against or the code, it's difficult to help you. 


Thanks, Dan! This worked for me. 


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