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Restricting tickets from certain users to designated Zendesk agents


Posted Jan 04, 2018

My company has a certain set of users whose tickets we would like to be visible only to designated employees. Using a combination of triggers and group configurations, we have figured out how to automatically and instantly send incoming tickets from these users to a view visible only to those designated employees.

However, non-designated employees can still view all such tickets by simply searching a certain keyword. Is it possible to either remove tickets with a certain tag from the search results, or otherwise wall off these tickets from non-designated employees? 




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Jessie Schutz

Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Cameron!

Depending on your plan level, you could use custom roles to determine which tickets different groups of agents. Do you know what plan you're on?


Hi Jessie - thanks for your response! We're on Professional. So would upgrading to Enterprise give us this functionality?


Yep.  upgrading to Enterpise will get you role capability. I believe that it's only avail on Enterprise level.  


Great. It's hard for me to tell from the link provided, but with custom roles would I be able to ensure that a certain subset of tickets (say, from a certain region or with a given tag) are not searchable to all other agents? 


Hey Cameron.  To me it looks like you can't do this. The only permission restriction seems to be by group, unless someone else can see another way? I checked on my system and that's the only option. 

The work around of course would be to do what you're already doing and have the trigger move it to that specific group based on tags and location, so in affect it will work once you have the roles enabled.

Would be nice to make it more like a trigger and allow granular permissions. Might want to open ticket with Zendesk and see if they know.  If they come back with not currently possible, let's add it to the Product Feedback thread and see if we can get it up-voted.  My suspicion would be they want to keep the ZD model of triggers to groups though. 


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Dan Cooper

Community Moderator

Hi Cameron, 

I echo Jessie in that custom roles could do this for you.  Specifically being able to restrict tickets to those in an agent's group.  You'd likely only need one role, but you'd have to make sure your groups were solid and maintained to make sure that everyone sees what they should. 

I can see some challenges moving from an open Zendesk to a group-restricted Zendesk if you have several groups.  You may have built your Zendesk up around the fact that different teams have their own group, but they can still look at other teams tickets if they need to reference an issue or request.  Switching the roles to restrict to groups could cause some loss in that visibility.  If everyone typically stays in their own groups and doesn't have to see into other groups at all, then I'd say set permissions to all tickets within an agent's group(s). 

Below is what the permissions look like on a custom role for ticket access.  Note that there is also a checkbox on being able to assign a ticket into a group you don't have access to.

Other options in the drop down include: 

  • Assigned to this agent only
  • Requested by users in this agent's organization
  • All within this agent's group(s)
  • All



This is very helpful. Thanks so much! 


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