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Unassigned Tickets
Posted Sep 05, 2018
We share ZenDesk with out IT team.
We have circumstances where a ticket is submitted by someone on a specific team, Customer Support in the case I am dealing with, and the Assignee and Group on the ticket are "-".
I would like to have a way to have a trigger set the assignee to the person who submitted the ticket.
I have not found a good way to accomplish that.
Any suggestions?
NOTE FOR ZENDESK: Let us test for Submitter in a trigger!
Jalle van Goor den Oosterlingh
Hi David,
This is indeed impossible at this moment, since triggers do not work with "current agent" conditions.
The only thing you can do now is to set up a trigger which assigns tickets where assignee and group are not filled to you or a specific group (Customer Support/IT/Empty Group).
Mostly this is part of training agents to fill the form out correctly, but human errors are inevitable.
Hope it helps...
Socorro Fernandez
Hi David and Jalle van Goor den Oosterlingh,
The following trigger should work to assign it to the current user which would be whoever is creating the ticket, of course you would want to confirm this isn't stepping over any other trigger of yours:
Hope this helps.
David Arnspiger
Thank you. That solved it. I just eliminated a bunch of annoying emails to IT with that one little fix. Not sure why I hadn't seen it that way myself. Sometimes you just need other eyes on the problem.
Thank you.
Dave Arnspiger
Quality Analyst
Forney Industries.
Nicole Saunders
Thanks for answering, Socorro! David, I'm glad you were able to get things working as needed.