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How do I create a trigger to notify me when a ticket is updated with an internal note?


Posted Nov 07, 2017

As a support manager, I'd like to be notified when any of my agents add an internal note to a ticket.  Typically the internal notes are questions about how to respond, how to solve the issue, etc.





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Andrew J

Community Moderator

Hello Joe, that is pretty easy.  I presume you are on a plan that allows custom triggers.

Create a new trigger as below.  User your user account in the 'Email user' section.

You can add other conditions or exclusions as desired. I'd recommend adding a way that this can be disabled by maybe allowing agents to enter a keyword $notes or similar that exclude the trigger from firing - so that they can still enter private notes if they want to for themselves.  Alternatively, make it only fire if $notify is in the comment text.



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Nicole Saunders

Zendesk Community Manager

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