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Advanced Filtering on a View
Posted May 23, 2017
In the standard "Your Unsolved Tickets" view. It behaves as normal... but I want to filter out tickets that are currently On-Hold AND Contains Tag: jv_box. These tickets, still belong to the agent but are no longer their problem, unless the customer replies back.
So, if it contains the jv_box tag and is "less than on-hold" then it should show back up in the view
Basically we have another view that contains tickets with this specific tag and on-hold for an operations person to handle.
I cannot figure out how to make sure both conditions are met.
Jacob the Moderator
Hi Matt,
If I'm understanding you correctly this should be what you need:
Matt Winer
Here are the three scenarios:
Jacob the Moderator
Ah, I see.
The View criteria don't have the flexibility to do exactly that.
One thing you might want to consider is have one trigger apply a new tag (let's call it jv_box_on-hold) whenever a ticket is updated with the status = on hold AND tag = jv_box.
And another trigger remove that jv_box_on-hold tag when a ticket with the jv_box tag is updated from the on-hold status (Ticket:status changed from On-hold).
Now you should be able to add only the one criteria 'Ticket: Tags Contains none of the following jv_box_on-hold' to your Your unresolved tickets view.
It's a round-about way to do a fairly simple thing, but I'll leave it to you to decide if you want to go with it. Let me know if you need more detailed instructions.