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Department Offline Status
Posted Sep 24, 2019
Background: Our company has several products / services (over 10) that we sell our clients. It is impossible for one team member to know all about every product / service and it is not scale-able. To be more scale-able we have 4 different teams. A member from Team 1 does not know the product supported by Team 2 and so on. If a client chats in about a product they need to go to the right team, otherwise they just sit there waiting too long and it hurts our customer satisfaction. We want to get the client to the right team as fast as possible. To add another layer of difficulty, each team has different hours that they offer support - Team 1 may offer 7 am to 7 pm while Team 2 may offer from 8 am to 6 pm, etc.
What we are trying to do: Utilize Departments and their Hours for setting our teams and then route the chat to the appropriate department. Our clients don't always know which product / service they have so it is important for this to be automatically chosen for them based on the interface they are using and seemlessly chat with the applicable department only if they are online, if not online then it has the offline form (even if other departments are online - this is important because of the above - Team 1 does not know Team 2's product so it would be like sending sale questions to human resources).
What we currently have setup: We have a department setup for each product and respective hours. We utilize the web widget with integrated chat interface and direct it to the right department. With triggers if a user is waiting too long or if the department is offline, it sends a message apologizing that no one is available because the chat still comes through (they are not sent to the offline form).
The issue: Whenever a department is offline, the user just sits unserved and does not appear in anyone else's view to every try to help (even though they most likely won't be able to). This give the client the illusion that they will be helped even though it is after hours for that department. It is severely hurting our client satisfaction. If our last agent stops work on Team 2 at 5 pm, but our latest team operates until 7 pm - if a client chats in at 5:01 they are waiting over 2 hours for a reply that is never going to come.
Feedback: It would be great if chat just operated like the views in Support (even the same interface) and when a department is offline it set the offline form, regardless of the status of other departments - you will want to leave a message with the specific department that you are trying to reach.
Kelsey H
Very well said and explained. I have a similar config to you and the exact same problem. Brought this up to Support and was told that if any agent is online, it seems that it will treat the whole widget as online. No solution unfortunately. Hope we find more info.
Hi Morgan and Kelsey.
I think this might be possible with a little additional Javascript.
Do I understand correctly that depending on 'some value in your site' the chat should only be visible if the department for that specific value is online? And if the department is not available the widget should be hidden or a form should be shown?
Heather Rommel
Hi Morgan!
I'm wondering if you're able to leverage Skill based routing? If you have different websites or different KB articles that would correspond to different products, you can use Triggers to set tags on a user's visit and then add the applicable tags as Skills to the Agents with that knowledge.
Here are some Trigger options available, maybe you'd be able to leverage Visitor page URL?
You *might* be able to use Account-level hours using this and show offline if you're not covered by at least one person with the given skill per 24 hours which would show the offline form.
Additionally, you can use Triggers to assign Departments, so if you add a Department for "I'm not sure which product I use" then perhaps you can have all your agents added to that Department as a catch-all and they can manually tell the visitor how best to contact you/what hours are available.
Hopefully this helps?
Kelsey H
There is a unique quirk to skill based routing where if it will go to any skill if a group is offline or fully served, right?
Heather Rommel
I think after all agents with a given skill are "taken" and have hit their Chat limits, you are right, the program will start hunting for "any" agent with or without the given tag.
I wonder if you'd be able to leverage a trigger that looks for time not served and automate a message to that user after xxx seconds?
⚠️Fair warning: no guarantees on this code
Here's how it works in a nutshell.
Permanently deleted user
Heather, we did try skills routing for a period and it caused a lot of confusion and frustrations as it did hunt for any agent (as you mentioned) so it didn't solve the initial problem of letting the client know before chatting that no one was going to be able to help them. An automated message is what we use currently if a user messages a department that is offline, but it would still be nice for the user to automatically be sent to the offline form that is in the chat experience if the department is offline instead of having to use a message. With the auto-message and the fact that we have the auto ticket creation turned on a missed chat converts to a ticket when a user ends the chat or exits their browser.
Kay mentioned utilizing javascript which would work, but we are trying to avoid customization - the more you have the more likely it is to break if something is changed. Each time we adjust the code it has to go through our sprint and QA cycle which could take 2 - 4 weeks each time something needs adjusted and with 10+ products/solutions and growing, it is troublesome to manage.