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Recent spam attack on the Zendesk Community

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Nicole Saunders

Zendesk Community Manager

Posted Nov 08, 2021

Hi everyone, 

Over the past several days, we've experienced an ongoing spam attack here in the Zendesk community. We apologize for the spam notifications you have likely received in your inbox during this time. 

We've been actively suspending spammer accounts and removing their posts, adding keywords to the content moderation filter, and are working internally to better train the spam bot to prevent further posts. This may take a few days, and we may see a little bit more spam while this work is done. 

Please know we're very aware of the situation and are working hard to resolve it. If you come across a spam post or comment that has not yet been removed, please post a link in the comments below and we'll get it taken care of at once. 

Thanks for your patience and understanding. 


Nicole Saunders
Director of Communities




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