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Editing Closed tickets
Posted Dec 20, 2021
Closed tickets should be editable by an Admin and the time period until they auto-close should be able to be defined (or disabled).
Tickets close too early for some business processes and when a ticket closes that has fields set incorrectly then that incorrect info is forever in Explore reports
This results in Follow up tickets being created unnecessarily and incorrect historic reporting.
Josef Prandstetter
Until some days back there has been a post to this topic, where someone of Zendesk announced they will have a look at it in 2022 - the link has been:
Andrew Paterson
Thanks Josef Prandstetter, that link doesn't seem to work for me though for some reason.
Josef Prandstetter
Andrew Paterson: The links are now available again.
Dane Corley
Hi Josef Prandstetter,
I wanted to drop in and make sure you saw that we have a new community for our upcoming Modified Closed Tickets Beta. Please sign up if you're interested in testing out this new functionality soon.