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Notifying inbound callers about a known issue


Posted Jan 14, 2022

We want to be able to notify our customers when there's an ongoing issue. For instance, something may happen that is not allowing our customers to log in to our service. I'm thinking there's got to be a way to set up a notification that customers can get BEFORE they enter the call queue where we can post something like "There is a known issue for customers trying to log into the system. We are aware of this and are working on rectifying the situation. We expect the problem to be resolved in {x} minutes. If you still need to speak to someone in Support please stay on the line and someone will be with you shortly".

Would we just modify the "default available agents" message? Does anybody have any experience with this?



1 comment

Hey Jay,

You're spot on here, you would just re-record a new version of the very first greeting which customers hear. It's hard to know which greeting in particular as we can't see your talk setup. However, it is simply a matter of re-recording a new version of a greeting, swapping it out for a period of time whilst the issue is present. 

Hope this helps. :)



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