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¿Por qué no puedo establecer mi ticket en Resuelto?
Posted Feb 06, 2022
Cuando quiero enviar el ticket como resuelto, la casilla de enviar queda bloqueada y en color gris. ¿Por qué pasa esto?
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Posted Feb 06, 2022
Cuando quiero enviar el ticket como resuelto, la casilla de enviar queda bloqueada y en color gris. ¿Por qué pasa esto?
1 comment
Peter Hochstrasser
Hi Daniela Rozas
What state is your ticket in when you try to save it as solved?
The one thing that does not work is set a closed ticket to resolved - closing a ticket cannot be reverted.
... and obviously, you cannot set a deleted ticket to solved if you have it still "open" in a browser tab. Deleted, like Closed, is a (more or less) terminal status.
If the ticket is in neither of these two states, do you use required fields in some way? In the ticket fields, you can require a field to be filled upon setting the ticket to solved:

Hope this helps.
Yours truly, Peter