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Incoming tickets via text
Posted Feb 08, 2022
We allow users to send tickets via test message. Is there a way to attach the user's cell number to their account so we can more easily identify/validate them? This is for in-house users only.
Thank you for reaching out to us.
You can input the phone number of your end-users in their profile/account by opening it.
When you open their profile you will see "+add contact" on the lower left and then select phone to attach a phone number into their account.
Beth Terry
I see that but it says the number is already being used by another user. When I search by phone number instead of user name, I find that as a separate "user" with a separate set of tickets. Is this a case where we would Merge into another user? And once merged, will all tickets for them show together?
If merging into another user is correct, is this the full process?
Select the Text user account > Merge into another user > Select the "main" account that includes their email address etc?
I know ticket mergers can not be undone so want to be sure it is done correctly the first time.
There are several ways to resolve this, first would be removing the phone number in the other account to free it up. Second would be merging and third is deleting the profile which has the number.
I would high suggest doing the first one which is just removing the phone number in the other account or if you need both numbers in the account then merging would be best.
Beth Terry
It seems that merging may be best so that all of the ticket information can still be affiliated with the user. Is there a downside to merging?
Hello Beth,

You can take a look at our article: How user data is merged
Note that you can merge unverified end-users into a profile as long as they have only one or all of the following:
After merging accounts, any tickets created by the duplicate (now merged) account are updated with the primary user account. A merge cannot be undone, so be careful to select the correct user accounts.
Hope this clarifies!