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Automatic Reminder dates when setting tickets to pending
Posted Feb 18, 2022
We would like to have the feature that it is required to set a reminder date when setting tickets to pending.
The reason is that otherwise tickets don´t get opened automatically if someone forgets to set the date. So there is a high risk that the agent forgets the ticket and the task and the customer is unsatisfied.
Hardik Sharma
Very important issue!
Mark Leci
Natalie Fischer I think you can actually do this today. I believe this is how it would work
1. Create a custom date field for reminder date
2. Add the field to a ticket form and make it required on pending
3. Create an automation that reopens the ticket if the reminder date is within the previous x days (I've used 10,000 for this just in case someone happens to set the date way in the past by accident)