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Help/App request: Article Feedback reporting from customers


Posted Feb 25, 2022

I am looking to find some apps for the guide that can help with getting better feedback from customers on articles.

Wish list for the app:

  • Customizable feedback form/question
  • Create tickets from actionable items or set conditions.
  • Reporting off of the data entered by customers.

Is anyone aware of any apps that may offer this? I have been searching through the marketplace but not finding anything that looks promising.




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Gorka Cardona-Lauridsen

Zendesk Product Manager

Alex Duffey Unfortunately we don't have an app in the Zendesk app store to my knowledge, but you could use something like Hotjar.


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Gorka Cardona-Lauridsen

Zendesk Product Manager

Here is also an example of how another one of our customers is doing this.



Agree with Alex. This feature is something that we expect zendesk to offer. To use workarounds is not an optimal solution nowadays. 




I agree that it is something that Zendesk should be able to offer without having to use third-party apps or workarounds.

Please, consider adding such feature.


Thank you.


Totally agree...please include this.


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Gorka Cardona-Lauridsen

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi all

While we don't currently have plans to add this feature natively we have put together a recipe for how you can prompt for feedback on downvotes using theme customization.

I hope it helps and we are as always very keen to hear from you if you think it can be improved.


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