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Trigger and attachment needed for Instagram Direct stories reactions
Posted Mar 07, 2022
Hi Team,
We started using Instagram Direct, but now have a problem with the reactions to IG stories coming to Zendesk as tickets. There is no indication if the ticket with an emoji is an actual message, or a reaction to stories.
I reached out to Zendesk Support team with 2 requests:
- Add information to the ticket for the agent to clearly see when the message/reaction is from IG stories
- Enable the use of emojis in trigger conditions for the possibility to automatically close a ticket if the only content is one emoji (=reaction)
In general best would be for reactions to not become tickets at all.
Only written messages would create tickets to Zendesk and the tickets would have a link or attachment of the stories.
Not all agents have access to Instagram DMs to check which stories the reaction/message was meant for, and even if they did, it would be time consuming to search on another platform for messages.
The lack of a link/attachment is a real issue when a customer sends a message "I want to buy this product" and the agent does not know what the customer is referring to.
Can we expect a solution for this issue?
Stephanie Langlois
Hey there,
We really appreciate the feedback and we agree that this enhancement would benefit a lot of our customers. As such I have been working through how we support reactions in general on social channels both around reducing unnecessary tickets and around including important context. I don't have an ETA for this work at the moment but just want to let you all know it's on our radar and we agree with the importance of the issue as highlighted in this post and it's comments.
In the meanwhile, particularly when it comes to tickets only containing an emoji, a bot could really help. Using a bot as a first responder would prevent these tickets from getting created in Agent Workspace.
Julien Poirot
Same need here: tickets created from stories' reactions containing only 😍 or 🔥are a waste of time for agents, CSAT is sent when solved and customers don't understand why.
We also had to turn off the autoresponder because people were getting an acknowledgment of their reactions.
I totally agree. The information that the message is a response to stories is important, and it would be absolutely best if the specific stories were also displayed in the ticket. Now our agents have to check the Instagram app.
We also get tagged in customer's stories. As part of building a great relationship with our customers, we always want to say thank you and respond to such tagging. Unfortunately, no ticket is generated in Zendesk in this case and agents have to check the Instagram app again. I suggest that a new ticket is also created where the customer's stories will be available to preview as an image.
Tatjana Kümmerle
Same here. Our clients always have to ask "Hi, can you tell me on which story you answered" because the customers just write "How is the measurement?" or "Where can I buy it?" - We have to see on what story the customer reacts or write.
Arlyanna Pilor
Is there a workaround already for this one? Please need help for this.
Thank you!
Melissa Rush
Any news to this?
Cristiano Hoffmann Lopes
Passando o mesmo por aqui.
O ideial mesmo é que já venha identificado se o ticket é apenas uma reação ou não.
Hello, we are also receiving plenty tickets with only reactions to stories. As we are an instagram brand and have many stories life, our agents cannot always check our instagram to answer our customers correctly. This is very frustrating for our agents and also time consuming. Is this update on the Zendesk roadmap any time soon?
Also will it ever be possible to see the instagram handle of our customers in the created ticket?
Sebastian Spreitzer
Are there any news on this topic? We have the same issue and it is actually very important to us. Also, Tickets from story mentions are created a lot and to close them manually is very time consuming. Thank you!
Johanna Müller
We have the problem with the reactions to IG stories coming to Zendesk as tickets, too.
It is necessary to see whether a message is a reply to a story and to which one.
As already mentioned from others:
Best would be for reactions to not become tickets at all.
Only written messages would create tickets to Zendesk and the tickets would have a link or attachment of the stories.
We cannot use autmatic reply because, everyone who send a reaction would get an aut. reply → Doesn't make any sense.
It would be great if this could be implemented as soon as possible.