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Addon 'Find & Replace' does not work any longer with current Ticket form
Posted Mar 10, 2022
Is used to use a firefox/chrome addons a lot to quickly replace some texts in macro's. Just tiny bits of text, I do not want to setup a lot of new macro's for one or two words. The addon is called 'Find & Replace for Text editing'.
Since a few days this addon does not work in Support. The complete addon is not broken, it works in Zendesk Guide, but not in Support. Also other similar tools have problems to replace text in Support.
Is this something which can be fixed?
Kind regards,
1 comment
Oskar McDermott
Hi Geerten,
It's a shame that you're facing this issue with the existing extensions broken – did you find a nice solution?
Maybe the following app could help you out?
All the best,