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Tagging based on Satisfaction comments


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Charity Carson

Zendesk Luminary

Posted Apr 13, 2022

We'd like to be able to report on the number of tickets containing words like "fast, quick, easy" in good satisfaction comments by adding a tag to the ticket via a trigger. AskNicely has this functionality already and we'd like to replicate it for our support tickets. 




Hi Charity,
I think you might be able to achieve this in Explore, but not via Trigger and tags. Instead, I'd try creating a Standard Calculated Metric, using the Support Tickets dataset, which contains the Satisfaction comment as an attribute, and then using the CONTAINS text function to search for those keywords in the satisfaction comment – here are some resources to get you started:
Hope that helps!


Hi Dave,

We would like to have to opportunity to use the "Satisfaction comment" text as a condition in triggers.

Use case: Due to regulatory rules, we have to close the accounts of end-users as soon as the closure is requested by them. Sometimes, the users are requesting the self-exclusion/closure through the CSAT survey (the comment field specifically).

Currently, we are not able to get notified by the system when an end-user requests account closure in the aforementioned field.

This is why we've created an Explore report, consisting of each Satisfaction comment from the previous day, that our Customer Service team managers review manually on a daily basis. This is causing a lot of additional manual work for them.

What we think might help us is to allow for triggers to use "Satisfaction comment" field in a similar manner to the "Comment text" condition:

If we are able to re-open a ticket that has a CSAT comment containing words and phrases that we've pre-defined - it would be great.

Thank you in advance.



To replicate the functionality of AskNicely for tagging support tickets that contain specific keywords in good satisfaction comments, you can create a trigger in your support ticketing system.

Here are the steps you can follow:

  1. Identify the keywords that you want to tag in the good satisfaction comments, such as "fast, quick, easy."

  2. Create a trigger in your support ticketing system that looks for tickets with good satisfaction comments containing the identified keywords.

  3. In the trigger, set the action to add a tag to the ticket, such as "positive-feedback" or "fast-easy-quick."

  4. Test the trigger to ensure that it is working as expected.

  5. Once the trigger is set up and working, you can run reports or search for tickets with the tagged keywords to analyze customer feedback and satisfaction.

By tagging tickets that contain specific keywords in good satisfaction comments, you can easily track and analyze customer feedback to identify areas where your support team is doing well and areas that may require improvement.


Hello Everyone!

How can we replicate AskNicely's functionality for tagging support tickets containing keywords like "fast, quick, easy" in positive satisfaction comments?

We want to report on and analyze these tickets more efficiently. Do you have suggestions or insights on setting up triggers or automations to achieve this within our support ticket system?

Join the discussion on our website to share your expertise and learn from the community. Visit SRD-STATUS-CHECK to collaborate on this topic.


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Zsa Trias

Zendesk Customer Care

Hello Liam,

AskNicely is a third-party, so we do not have information about how it works, but to answer your question about tagging tickets, there is currently no way to tag tickets via business rules that are based on the actual satisfaction comment, we only have the satisfaction reason as an available condition. 

You may want to check with AskNicely about their integration if they have the functionality that you need. 


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