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parent organizations
Posted May 09, 2022
Hi folks,
We organize our organizations by customer locations as we mainly provide on site technical support on our companies products so the adress of the location is a key fact for the services we provide.
So in our ZenDesk Support instance each physical location is an organization.
Some of our customers are running several locations organized by a headquater.
For some reasons it might be very helpfull for a bette overview to have a parent organization / child organization structure so that accumulated for the parent organization (=the headquater) we might see all issues refering to the child organizations (=locations the headquater is operating).
We would appreciate having the option to embrace all the locations of a multi site customer under one parent organization.
Would be an absolute improvement.
Looking forward to get that!
Rafael Santos
Hey Richard Heindl, you might be able to achieve this via the API through the usage of Relationships, establishing a Relationship between zen:organizations as source and target objects, as well as setting Custom Objects for the organizations' locations.
Part of this is likely to become possible soon natively though the usage of Lookup Relationship fields, announced recently.
Richard Heindl
Hi Rafael,
thanks for that feedback.
Sadly at the moment we are still running on Professional plan even though our company is about to upgrade to Enterprise plan.
As all our local admins do not have an IT background so we are not trained to work via the API even though one of our admins would be interested to get trained on working via the API as he has a background in Turbo Pascal in the late 1990s and is pretty interested in IT and coding.
Looking forward to get that feature to work maybe even within Professional plan as that is considered to be kind of a standard in customer organization structure to have customers with several locations or units to be run under the roof of a headquater.