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Expanding Macro Box Size - Agent Workspace
Posted Jun 16, 2022
Feature Request Summary:
Just like with ticket fields and the customer context panel, agents should be able to similarly expand the macro box to the size of their liking.
Description/Use Cases:
The use case would be to have more visibility into full macros. In the agent workspace, the macro box is a lot smaller by default, so some macros are cut off.
Business impact of limitation or missing feature:
Some of our macros are inevitably long, and with some agents working on laptops, and others on monitors, it would be great for them to be able to control how much of the macro box they see. With some of our longer macros, a lot of the replies are being cut off, and this didn't use to happen in the old interface. This is causing a lot of wasted time to scroll through the smaller box, as well as causing frustration for agents.