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Allow "Hours since" conditions in ANY conditions list for Views
Posted Jun 21, 2022
Feature Request Summary:
Allow "Hours since" conditions in ANY conditions list for Views, currently only available in the ALL list.
Description/Use Cases:
The "Hours since" conditions in Views are inherited from Automations, and as such so are the restrictions, including only having them available in the ALL list. The reason being, Automations need a nullifying effect to ensure they aren't applied more than once per ticket, but the same does not apply to Views. So, this post is to propose that "Hours since" conditions are also allowed in the ANY list for Views.
Business impact of limitation or missing feature:
It is not possible to create "OR" condition criteria that involves "Hours since", even when it is across condition types. For example, I want to create a View that shows tickets "Less than Closed" or 24 "Hours since closed". That way all recent tickets showed, even if I had a Trigger that auto-closes a ticket due to an invalid request.
Other necessary information or resources:
- Time-based conditions aren't available from Meet any of these conditions section of the automation creator (see Creating and managing automations for time-based events). Automations require a nullifying condition to ensure that they aren't running continuously.
Salvador Vazquez
Hey Ryan, thank you for taking the time to provide us with this feedback. We apologize for the delay on our end in providing you with a response to your feature request.
This is a great feature request and I have added it to the backlog for future consideration. This means that we will think about adding it as a priority later in our planning cycle. We are going to leave this post open for comment to allow others to provide their feedback and use cases, however please note as is stated in our Community Guidelines that we can not commit to prioritizing any one piece of feedback we receive in the community.
Trevor Kanaya
We're in the same boat and at a complete loss, would love to see this be able to happen.
We want a view to show all tickets within a certain breach window (e.g. less than three hours till breach) but also still show tickets in that view if they have already breached as well. Unfortunately this is impossible since "Hours until breach" must be an ALL condition and once the ticket breaches, it no longer technically has a time until breach number since the breach event has passed. The effect it's having is that now after the ticket breaches, it vanishes from the view. Any potential solution to this is cumbersome and has downsides:
We can't use any alternative hours logic (e.g. hours since creation, hours since update, due date) because in all those instances there will be a cutoff for which we also want to pull tickets after that cutoff as well, no matter where that clock is ticking from.
Andrew Tuttle
My organization would definitely benefit from this feature. We have a number of tickets where the ticket might get picked up by a resource outside of our customers time zone and having a view that could display priority tickets and tickets that have been updated within a certain number of hours would let us focus on prioritizing urgent tickets as well as see if customers might be attempting to escalate an issue that has not yet been flagged as a priority ticket.
This lack of an hours since updated being a “meets any” condition requires us to have multiple views instead of a combined view.
Joe Sutton
I just want to add that we also have users requesting this functionality right now. This would be very helpful for us and our users.
I have the same issue and need a solution now.
The only solution I can think of is using a combination of an automation/automations, that add a “over_24_hours_waiting” tag to all tickets that are in status new, open or on-hold for at least 24 hours. And a trigger that removes that tag in case the status changes to NOT one of the three stati.
Only then I could view those tickets in a view I guess.
Richard Jacek
I'd also like to see this implemented for automation with a restriction to the IS condition instead of not available at all as it shouldn't be able to loop with this limitation and would be useful for streamlining parts of our process.
I would consider this a handy feature:
It allows you to override any filter specified in the ALL conditions section.
For example:
I may have added a filter to not show tickets with a tag (e.g. call-scheduled) in ALL conditions. However, if a user replies, I would like this to be overridden (maybe some action has to be taken?) and the ticket to reappear in the view.