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Change the location of the 'submit a request' button
Posted Jun 23, 2022
Dear Zendesk Community,
I am working in the Copenhagen Theme (version 2.14.0) and I would like to move the location of the 'submit a request' button to the location of the search bar (See the screenshot below).
Has anyone found a solution for it yet?
Thank you for any help or tips in advance!
Ifra Saqlain
Hey Csenge Orban,
Follow the below steps to move the 'submit a request' button to the hero section.
i). Currently, the button is on the header file.
ii). And currently, your hero section is like on the homepage.
iii). Cut that button from the header file and paste that here,
v). If the 'submit a request' button helper two times in your header file, remove that second one if you don't want to show that button in the header on mobile devices.
Csenge Orban
Hi Diziana,
thank you for your quick response and help.
It worked, but the button is currently displayed extremely small (See screenshot below). Where can I customize the 'Submit a request' button? I cant find the class 'submit-a-request' in the style.css file.
Ifra Saqlain
@Csenge Orban, remove the button tag from the helper:-
Add only helper:
Now it has fixed, when you would choose end_user it would be shown else would be hidden.
User role: end_user
User role:- Agent
Sierra Collins
This was really helpful! Can you share how we would move the submit a request button to show above the categories? The customer would actually like to move both the "Submit a request" button and "My activities" button above their categories in the Help Center.
Ifra Saqlain
Hi Sierra Collins,
On home_page or category_page??
Share a screenshot please exactly where you want to.
Csenge Orban
Hi Ifra,
I have added the "Submit a request" and "My activities" to the home_page tab in the hero inner section. How can I change the name of the hyperlink? Instead of "My activities" I want to display it as "My Request".
This is currently my code:
<section id="main-content" class="section hero">
<div class="hero-inner">
{{link 'new_request' class='submit-a-request'}}
{{link "my_activities" class="my_requests"}}
Thank you for your help in advance!
Ifra Saqlain
Use the code below:
Csenge Orban
Perfect, thank you so much!
Ifra Saqlain
Diane Schramke
Thanks so much for the helpful code to replace the search bar with the Submit a Request button.
However, I would like to customize the appearance of the new Submit a Request (or Submit a Ticket, as I have retitled it) button. Ideally I would like it to mirror the appearance of the category/section links, but if that is not possible I would at minimum like it to be larger and be able to change the color of the font and outline of the box to stand out against our Hero image, without affecting the categories/sections.
See screenshot - the Submit a Ticket button is barely visible because the text and border are the same dark grey as the buttons below, and the button is significantly smaller.
Using the Copenhagen theme, version 2.16.1.
Current code in home_page.hbs for the hero section is:
Removing the button tage on the submit-a-request class results in just the plain text link, which is also not what we want.
Any suggestions appreciated!
Ifra Saqlain
Hi Diane Schramke, do the following:-
i). Copy the given code and paste to the style.css file at the bottom.
ii). Change the name of button class, remove button and add hero-section name
Before mouse hover
After mouse hover
iii). you can change the hover color of button here.
Remove yellow and add yours whatever you want.
And, if you don't need to add hover background-color in button then remove these both properties.
After removing:
Diane Schramke
Thanks Ifra Saqlain - that was incredibly helpful! Much appreciated.
Blanka Stachelek
Please close the request - I found the solution.
Best wishes,