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Create Zendesk Support Apps faster with this boilerplate
Posted Jul 04, 2022
Hi 👋,
If you like me, create Zendesk Applications using ZAF (Zendesk Applications Framework) for your Support environment, you can take a look at my boilerplate that I put together.
With this boilerplate you can use any front-end framework of your choice - React, Vue, Svelte - and it’s blazing fast. I included instructions in the GitHub repo but feel free to let me know here or in Guthub issues should you have any questions! Repository -
To give a brief overview of the boilerplate:
- Use any framework you want (React, Vue, Svelte)
- Framework setup will not be any different to what you are used to see in your normal front end projects.
- Boilerplate handles a lot of things behind the scenes so you don't need to worry about how to set it up, with detailed instructions, how to create all the applications supported by Zendesk Support
- Real hot module replacement during local development, where you can make the changes and see the result instantly without refreshing the applications / page
- Is not based on old zat tool but new zcli, which is more easier to work with. Finally no Ruby installation and no more pain on M1 macs
Pablo Gonzalez
This is great! thanks!!
I am preparing a big update for the boilerplate for those who like TypeScript and typesafety during application developments.
Using this boilerplate, you will be able to make requests to Zendesk from your applications with a complete typesafety and auto-complete.
As you know ZAF is not provided in a form of a npm package, hence does not have any @types at all, making the development slow when you need to access specific properties.
Here is a small demo on what the boilerplate will be able to provide for you:
Not only you get intellisense during request typing of all available properties in a shape how Zendesk really expects you to make a request, but also a completely typed response as well.
There is also an update to the boilerplate being prepared that allows you to easily run any framework of your choice (or just vanilla js) for multiple locations at once.
Say, you have an application that you spin up in ticket sidebar and you want the same application to be accessible in Navbar or Ticket Editor - we got you covered :)
Come hang @ Discord with us if you like what you see, I will be providing updates on this work and happy to discuss any other future updates to the boilerplate, so that you can start building your support applications faster and easier.