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Redirect a link from the Community Topics page
Posted Jul 12, 2022
On the Topics page, is it possible to change the link behind a particular topic, in this case, 'Release Notes', to go somewhere other than to the page that displays the topic?
Ifra Saqlain
Hi fkrugerx,
Follow the below points:-
i). Go to the 'community_topic.hbs' page
ii). Add the template name via copy-paste the below code at the top area..
iii). Now, go to thescript.js file and paste the code at the bottom area.
If any issue do let me know :)
Scott Wallace
Hi fkrugerx and Ifra Saqlain I'm trying to do the same thing with one of our community sections but unfortunately the redirect doesn't work. I've used the exact same code as above but replaced the contains value to look for "Announcements" as that's our section title.
The external URL has been updated to be the section within Guide for our new announcements too and nothing seems to happen unfortunately. fkrugerx Were you able to get the code working as intended?
Ifra Saqlain
@Scott Wallace, can you share the URL of that page where you want to do the changes regarding external URL?, then I will share the exact solution for your query.
If not, then share the screenshot of that section and page name as well.
Scott Wallace
Ifra Saqlain The community page is here and it should redirect to this section in Guide.

The code looks as follows:-
Ifra Saqlain
Scott Wallace, use the given code