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Increase flow builder limit from 1000 step to 2000 step
Posted Sep 27, 2022
Hi All Zendesk User.
Currently im developing flowbuilder step and at this moment hit the maximum limit (1000 step) - I think this is important to have more step as our business are growth (the product variation) we may not enough only have 1000 step.
James Clark
I agree - 1000 steps is not very high and you can quickly get through this when designing workflows.
Tim M
Flowbuilder has been updated to 2000 steps as of last week, I'd say 4/10. There was not any official announcement about this.
James Clark
Thanks for the update on this Tim. That is great news if that is the case.
Flora Chen
Hi, our company also has many products and we have already reached the limit of 2000 steps. We think the common steps like "was this helpful" "transfer to agent" are repeatedly used in flow builder, which consume too many steps. Is it possible to count the repeated ones as one step only? Or could you help us to extend the limit again? I opened a ticket, please help follow up. 11453641
Tim M
Tim M
Flora Chen My suggestion would be to create a community post requesting an increase higher than the current limit and reference this post.
Gin Atkins
Hi all,
We're currently investigating the possibility of increasing beyond 2,000 steps and will update here with the outcome.
Asada Yusuke
I strongly hope for an increase in the number of steps. Should we create a new topic regarding this matter?