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Feature Request: Add the ability to fine tune the contents of Agent Collision Details in the ticket view
Posted Oct 24, 2022
Feature Request Summary:
I'd love to have the ability to fine tune what agents are shown in the Agent Collision details of tickets they have open and in views. Specifically, I'd like to only show agents that someone is actively editing a ticket rather than viewing the ticket. Alternatively, it would be useful to restrict who is shown in the Agent Collision details so we could hide certain users' activities.
Description/Use Cases:
The Agent collision details are useful for letting agents know when someone else is already editing a ticket, but we've found that showing agents everyone that is viewing a ticket can be problematic for our workflow. For one, we don't want our agents to be able to see when a manager is reviewing their ticket because it can cause undue stress for that agent. Another problem that can occur is agents skipping over tickets because they see that someone else is already viewing that ticket, even though sometimes that person isn't still actively viewing the ticket or had no intention of editing that ticket.
Business impact of limitation or missing feature:
This is an inconvenience we can work around, but it does result in slower response times.
Dave Dyson
Wesley Jamison
I concur, Administrators should be able to toggle themselves so that agents will not be able to see that they are also reviewing the ticket.