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Additional conditions for Automations on Ticket Updates
Posted Nov 03, 2022
Using Automation, I would like to send a group email when a ticket has not been updated for 5 days. We then want to send another one after another 2 days (7 days since last update).
To facilitate this I am using the
Ticket: Hours since update
We noticed that the 7 days notification condition is never met because the actions in the 5 day notification (email to a group) count as an update.
So this leaves us with the choice of using
Ticket: Hours since requester update
Ticket: Hours since assignee update
But that would ignore updates from anyone else, and it is common for the requesters manager to be CCed in the ticket and to request escalation or for Support management or Customer Success rep to provide a response to the client.
My request is to include Automation conditions for:
Ticket: Hours since public comment from agent
Ticket: Hours since public comment from end-user
Which will give us much greater control of automation matches,
Martin Cubitt
Take a look at the Bump Bump Solve tutorial. It will give you some guidance.
Zendesk on Zendesk: Bump Bump Solve
Basically, what you have to do is add tags with the 5 day automation, then use the tag you added as a condition of the 7 day automation, but it will actually be a 2 day automation. I'm not going into a lot of detail so as to keep my response brief, but if you'd like me to expand, I'd be happy to.
Martin Cubitt
Thanks Lou - that would certainly help with the running of the 7 day condition but sadly wouldn't prevent other automation updates resetting the last updated value, eg we have automation to set the age of the ticket.
Martin Cubitt
Glad I could help. If you'd like to expand on this other issue, maybe I can help there as well.
Jørgen Koren Sivesind
Is there any chance that the conditions for automations will be expanded in the near future? The current conditions are the same as they were in 2015 when I started working with ZenDesk, and they are severely limited.
Martin Cubitts idea in this post, about conditions for "Hours since public comment from agent", and "Hours since public comment from agent" would certainly be very helpful. Could this post be made into feature request?
SOREX wireless Solutions
There is definitely room for improvement on automations.
The two suggested conditions would be very helpful for us as well!