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The encoded_id in emails is not hidden enough
Posted Mar 21, 2023
We are told that the encoded_id is hidden in emails to customers but I find it waaay to visible in my opinion. In some cases, like in the Outlook mobile app, we barely see the content of the email and just see a giant code (the encoded_id)! This code is not appealing and having it visible before even opening the email makes our email look like spam/scam.
See screenshots attached for examples.
1 comment
I agree with this ID having to be more hidden or even removed.
It is absolutely jarring to see it at the footer of emails, even after removing the HTML and text footers from within Email settings, which I've done to remove the "This email has been sent using Zendesk..."
Having switched from another Helpdesk solution to Zendesk just recently, we are sure to have some customers asking questions and expressing concern around future emails we'll be sending them just because of this encoded_id.
It should be hidden or removed.