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Zendesk Ticket Priority Labelling
Posted Apr 05, 2023
Dear Zendesk Community
Does anyone know if it is possible to change the ticket priority labelling to something more meaningful? At the moment, priorities are labelled: Low, Normal, High and Urgent and we need to change Normal to something else and add an additonal level for Change Requests. Any ideas? Thanks
Adam Fronteras
It is a reserved area, we ended up creating our own priority field with match triggers to make Urgent = Priority 1, High = Priority 2 etc .
Paul Chadwick
Dear Adam
Thanks. We did the same thing but it just seemed to make things too complicated for our helpdesk people. It's a pity the Zendesk priority labels are hard-coded and uneditable
Zac Garcia
Hi Paul-
Thanks for this feedback! Could you share a little more about ticket priority in your organization and how your agents use it to prioritize work? What types of labels would be meaningful to you? And could you elaborate on how Change Requests maps to priority for your team?
We're always interested in learning more about how our customers prioritize. While there aren't plans to change the priority field itself, we want to make it easier to prioritize and sequence work for your team. Really appreciate your thoughtful feedback!
Paul Chadwick
Dear Zac
Thanks for your reply. I work in the UK health industry (NHS) and tickets within the industry are graded with respect to the impact the issue may have on patient health (with the likelihood of Death being the highest priority). These are (i.e. your priorities/NHS-defined priorities) Priority 1 = URGENT/CATASTROPHIC, Priority 2 = HIGH/MAJOR, Priority 3 = NORMAL/CONSIDERABLE, Priority 4 = LOW/SIGNIFICANT, Priority 5 = ?/MINOR
As you may appreciate, having a Priority 3 = NORMAL does not convey the correct level of severity or situation. As an organisation, we would prefer the label of NORMAL stating MODERATE and the addition of Priority 5 = CHANGE REQUEST to equate to MINOR which would be reflected in the SLA time constraints provided to our client base (which, at present, we have to translate)
Being able to define these labels for ourselves would be ideal