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Requester email not available in the ticket itself with new interface
Posted Apr 24, 2023
Zendesk recently changed their ticket interface, and now I can no longer find the requester email in the ticket anywhere. Formerly, it was located under "Customer Context" in the agent workspace area (the right sidebar). However, now when i pull that up, the requester email is not visible, and I cannot find it anywhere else in the ticket. I have to pull up the requester's entire ticket history, which is extremely inconvenient.
Is there a way to view the email within the ticket itself, or has this setting changed permanently?
Edwin Schukking
Hi Lizzie Tran!
Could you perhaps provide a screenshot (with any personal information blurred, ofc)?
Because I just checked our Zendesk and the email address of the requester is still available in the 'Customer Context' section in the right sidebar.
This does not mean there is no issue, this is why I am asking for a screenshot. So we all can see what your situation is.
Thanks in advance 😊
Lizzie Tran
Hello Edwin Schukking! Here is the screenshot. I've circled the area where I think there should be an email, but currently can only see requester name, time zone, and language.
Victor Ivaniv
Hi. We have an issue with interface too and i suspect these might be related.
The subject field appears to be moved up and hidden below ticket tabs frame in Agent workspace. Also, right above the "submit as" and macros panel, there's an empty space of about the same height as missing subject field. The subject field appears after scaling the page down and back up, but the empty frame below is still present, and we need to do this every time we enter a ticket to be able to edit the subject.
PS. We had agents complaining on missing email from customer context too, but this was not the case for me and now all is good with this.