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What's New in Zendesk? Get the Q2'23 Recap!
Posted May 15, 2023
Hello Zendesk Community,
Here at Zendesk, we believe in creating continuous innovation to help our customers succeed. We just had our annual Zendesk event, Relate. This is where we announce our newly available innovations, show what is to come for the rest of the year, and celebrate our successful customers. We announced a lot this year, so please check out our full content here. In the meantime, here are some of the highlights for the quarter.
- Pre-Trained bots -> Learn more here.
- Pre-trained bots is our first new announcement for the quarter. This helps you tackle high-volume requests with bots that are pre-trained for email and messaging.
- These bots can classify customer requests by intent to increase response accuracy and tag tickets with customer intent to help agents solve issues faster.
- Advanced AI -> Learn more here.
- This year at Relate, we announced a variety of new AI features to help bring AI to your support team to get customers the best support possible.
- This includes displaying intent, sentiment, and language within a conversation in agent workspace, giving agents the relevant context they need to quickly resolve tickets.
- Data Exporter to BI Tools -> Learn more here.
- Our third new innovation is our data exporter to BI tools. This tools allows you to easily import custom objects from the Zendesk Suite, map fields from CSVs to Zendesk, and provide admins with an easy to use management system.
- Permission for custom roles -> Learn more here.
- And lastly but certainly not least, we have increased our trust and security measures with many features, including new permissions for custom roles.
- This allows non-admins to manage team member permissions. This means that the number of agents who will need admin status can be reduced, ultimately creating a safer Zendesk environment.
These are just 4 exciting features we have announced this quarter, but there are many more to learn about. Check out these resources available for you today!
And don’t forget, we also have a bunch of community events coming up over the next couple of months! Sign up below to learn more!
- Register for our deep dive on advanced AI
- Register for our deep dive on adaptable agent workspace
- Register for our deep dive on platform, data security, and compliance