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How to add badge title to article author


Posted Jul 13, 2023

I see all of the code for adding badge titles to Community posts and to article comments. But how do I add the badge title to the article author section, in the article_page.hbs template? I can't figure out the code to get that to work. This is what I am looking for below:




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Nicole Saunders

Zendesk Community Manager

Hi Erin, 

This no longer requires custom code, and has been built in to the product for Gather Pro.  

You can simply create a title badge and apply it to the user's Help Center profile. It will show up anywhere they post or comment or on any articles they write across both the knowledge base and the community. 

Here's more information: 



Hi Nicole,

Thank you for your response. Is that the case if we have a custom theme? I thought everything I read said that we have to edit the page templates when using a custom theme because it only works automatically if you are on the original Copenhagen and not a custom theme. I followed the instructions on this article, but it only includes how to do this for Community lists and post pages, but not for article pages.




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Nicole Saunders

Zendesk Community Manager

Hey Erin, thanks for clarifying. It depends how the custom theme is written; for example this community is a custom theme, but the badging functionality still works using the in-product capability for badges. 

Let me ask some folks who have more expertise in custom code and see if I can get a better answer for you. :) 


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