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Requester can no longer view own ticket in private groups.


Posted Aug 11, 2023

Good afternoon.  Was a change made to Zendesk where a ticket opened in a private group is now no longer viewable by the ticket requester, but can be viewed by staff that are Followers?

We are unsure why, or for what reason, this kind of change would be made.  From a security standpoint this doesn't make much sense as you can just add the requester as a follower.

Is there any kind of workaround for this for end users?  We have Light Agents that only make ticket requests to a private group that we can't let all users see.


I see this now as part of the group description:



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Zendesk Customer Care

Hey Aaron,
The ticket restriction in private groups only applies to Agents and not End-users. End-user ticket access will remain the same.


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