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Show specific Skills applied to tickets in Views (NOT Skills-match checkmark)

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Harper Dane

Zendesk Luminary

Posted Aug 18, 2023

Feature Request Summary: 

We need to add a column to several of our Views which shows the actual name of the Skill(s) applied to a ticket, not just a "Skills match" checkbox. 

Whereas the "Skills match" column only shows whether or not the ticket matches your skills, this is only useful for agents; it is not helpful to management, ticket triage folks, or administrators.

Description/Use Cases: 

Identifying which Skill(s) are applied to any given ticket in the queue helps us to understand: 

  • The Skill group the ticket will eventually end up with, once assigned by Omnichannel Routing.
  • Whether the correct Skill was applied to a ticket based on its topic.
  • Quickly identify volume trends and respond appropriately by having more agents with a high-demand Skill go Online.

Showing Skills in a View instantly answers very basic questions, such as "Why has this high-priority ticket been sitting at the top of the queue all day?"

Because no Skills or the wrong Skills were applied to the ticket?

Because all agents with that Skill are OOO today?

... Right now, we don't know just from looking at the queue, because we can't see from there which Skill is on the ticket.

Business impact of limitation or missing feature:

Not being able to see which Skills are currently applied to tickets without actually opening the ticket and scrolling all the way to the bottom leaves a big blind spot in our Views and takes a lot of unnecessary extra time for our triage team.

Although some users can go into Explore and look at reporting for certain things, this typically isn't a real-time view of tickets and it's too complex as a solution to be feasible for many users who "live" in their workspace and spend their day in Views.




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