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NEW User group: Reporting and Analytics - First meetup Thursday, Sept. 28 - Unboxing the Support Dashboard
Posted Sep 25, 2023
If you work heavily with data and reporting in your day-to-day role, the new Reporting and Analytics Zendesk User Group is for you. We'll meet regularly to cover topics relevant to those whose jobs require a high degree of engagement with reporting and analytics. Our first meetup is coming up this Thursday, September 28 at 10:00am PT/1:00pm ET - we will meet virtually and this event is open to everyone.
Every business is different and we all have different needs and obligations to fulfill. Is the Support Dashboard what your team needs to operate effectively? Most likely, you will require additional insights, however, finding the areas within your workflows that can be improved upon will demonstrate the areas that need attention. The basic metrics outlined in the dashboard are a great place to start. We will cover as much as we can in the hour.
The first ten minutes or so will be introductions and getting acquainted. We'll then dive deep into the what, where, and why of the Support Dashboard.
The last 10-15 minutes will allow time to discuss concerns or ask questions.
RSVP Today