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Managing a users tickets by organization
Posted Sep 28, 2023
Is there a way for a user admin to see all the tickets their company team members put in so they can monitor ticket statuses? If I am the manager of 4 people that are in charge of putting in support tickets for my company, can I as the manager see all of those in a dashboard? Could this possibly be grouped by email domain?
1 comment
Hiedi Kysther
Hi Cayla Grossman,

This workflow is possible! You just need to create an Organization and add all end-users (team members). You can mapped their domain so they will be added automatically to the Organization. Then, in your Organization settings - please select "Can view all orgs tickets" - it's up to you if you will allow them to add a comment on the ticket or not.
Oh! And remember, when using domain-mapping - please make sure that the end-user's email addresses are verified otherwise domain mapping will not work!
Hope this helps!