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Send button in a new Side conversation
Posted Nov 21, 2023
We have an issue with the side conversations in the context panel.
The formatting bar does not move while being scrolled after starting a new side conversation. If an agent has started a new side conversation the bar is not locked and the agent needs to scroll all the way down to be able to send the side conversation.
When answering an existing side conversation the bar is locked and moves a long when scrolling the field. Could this also be possible with a new side conversation? That would solve the issue.
Since the ticket status button is so very close agents sometimes confuse this button for the send button. And then tickets are closed without actually sending the conversation. This is causing major issues in some cases.
Sydney Neubauer
+1 we have also seen this issue with testing. It is one of the reasons we are hesitating on rolling it out as I know it would cause a lot of grief.
Shawna James
Janna Johns
Daniel Pohl
Our server desk has the same complaint. To us it doesn't make sense, that in an existing Side Conversation, the Send button line is sticky, but when you write a new Side Conversation it vanishes down.
Please make the Send button line also sticky for a new Conversation!
Here the locked bar with existing Side Conv.:
Here the vanishing Send button bar with new Side Conv.:
Looking forward to a solution!
Best regards
Carson Hess
Plus one to this. We've just swapped to zendesk and already have issues with agents mistaking the "submit" button as a way to save side conversations - if the Send is already static in existing convos like Daniel above posts, it would make sense for it to be static when creating one too!