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Feature Request - Stop Tymeshift automatic time tracking when agent locks their PC
Posted Jan 19, 2024
Please give a quick overview of your product feature request or feedback and note who in your org is affected by this issue [ex. agents, admins, customers, etc.]. (2-3 sentences)
When an agent locks their PC, Tymeshift should stop tracking time on the current ticket and resume tracking time when the PC is unlocked, similar to the behavior when a PC goes to sleep.
What problem do you see this solving? (1-2 sentences)
We use Tymeshift to track agent activity and agents will often leave the last ticket they worked on up on their screen when they leave their desk. If they don't select that they are taking a break, the time continues to track on the ticket, even though their PC is locked and they clearly are not working on that ticket.
When was the last time you were affected by this lack of functionality, or specific tool? What happened? How often does this problem occur and how does this impact your business? (3-4 sentences)
This occurs daily and obscures our productivity metrics
Are you currently using a workaround to solve this problem? (If yes, please explain) (1-2 sentences)
At this time, we don't use tasks in Tymeshift, but we will need to implement them and enforce their use. This takes additional time for admins when, really, the feature we use most is the automatic tracking.
What would be your ideal solution to this problem? How would it work or function? (1-2 sentences)
This would only apply to time tracked on tickets, not on other tasks. When an agent locks their computer, the time would stop tracking. When the agent unlocks their computer, if the tab is still active, tracking would resume.
1 comment
Shawna James