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Company / Domain change (not subdomain)
Posted Mar 14, 2024
Afternoon all, I don't know if its an "account" issue, but its for all overall account so think its the best location.
We are changing our company name branching off, so the current domain structure is; We have moved over our corporate site and branding, now we want to move our help, so we want and I am not seeing help/documentation on that. I can see changing subdomains, etc but nothing on the primary, same with the host-mapping section.
So, what would be the process to changing our domain (and keeping all our information) with a new domain?
1 comment
If you need to change your subdomain to follow your new company name, we recommend that you go through the article Renaming your subdomain: the side effects before making the change as renaming your subdomain can have some unintended side effects.
If you only need your host-mapped address to be updated (e.g. to, you'll need to set up a redirect from your old hostmap to your new one. Please note that Zendesk cannot set up a redirect on your behalf. You can visit this article to learn more about updating your hostmapping.
Feel free to Contact Zendesk Customer Support for any account-related information or assistance.