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Zendesk to JIRA integration improvement for linked "Incident" tickets to provide Engineering with optics regarding customer impact


Posted Apr 01, 2024

The native Zendesk to JIRA integration shows linked Zendesk tickets in the “Zendesk Support” section of the JIRA. It does not show how many tickets are linked to that Zendesk ticket using the Zendesk process, where we can link customer tickets affected by the same issue. 


We ensure the JIRA ticket is marked with the correct priority so our Engineering Team can work their JIRA tickets correctly, but the engineer will never know if the priority ticket they are working on has other customers attached to it. Having the “Incidents” number shown in the “Zendesk Support” section of the linked JIRA ticket would be a great help to Engineering Teams when prioritizing their ticket based on customer impact. 




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Shawna James

Community Product Feedback Specialist

Hey Michael,
Thank you for taking the time to provide us with your feedback. This has been logged for our PM team to review. For others who may be interested in this feature request, please add your support by upvoting this post and/or adding your use case to the comments below. Thank you again!


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Aaron Doane

Zendesk Luminary

Hi Michael, 

I believe this is what you are looking for:


This article covers how to add 2 columns to your Jira instance: one column for the total number of linked Zendesk tickets and one column with a list of Zendesk ticket IDs. We implemented this about a year ago and it allows our development team to sort a filtered view by the number of Zendesk tickets attached. 


There is one caveat with this that I have discovered through trial and error. If you sort from High to Low, a null value is not treated as a zero and Jira tickets with no Zendesk tickets linked will be at the top of your sort. To solve this, I filter Jira tickets where Zendesk Ticket Count is not empty. 


I hope this helps!


Shawna, and Aaron,

Thank you both. Aaron, thanks for the suggestion and article link I will give this a try. 


Thanks for the help on this issue. please close out the ticket.


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