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Zendesk ticket - wasted space
Posted Jul 02, 2024
Since the new UI was launched your interface has soo much white and wasted space that it makes everything feel squished up.
Smaller monitor sizes make it feel even worse, I never use zendesk on anything below 27"
look at the space above views or all around the “unassigned tickets” heading. Manage Views has a lot of space under it rather than show you your actual views! you have to scroll to find them. Actions and play could all be moved to give you more useful viewable space.
Click into a ticket and the actual window to read the content is so small. You need a refresh.
1 comment
Shawna James
Thank you for taking the time to provide us with your feedback. This has been logged for our PM team to review. For others who may be interested in this feature request, please add your support by upvoting this post and/or adding your use case to the comments below. Thank you again!