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Entra Id user migration
Posted Jul 11, 2024
We have a Zendesk instance with SSO via Azure Entra Id. We are in the process of migrating all users to a new Entra Id instance hence the SSO to Zendesk will change to.
Is it possible to “re-map” Zendesk users and history to their new Entra Id?
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Thank you for reaching out.
As you proceed with the migration of our users to the new Azure Entra ID instance, I wanted to address the process of re-mapping our Zendesk users and their history to the new Entra ID.
You can begin by exporting the current user data from our Zendesk instance, which includes user IDs, email addresses, and any other relevant information that links users to their accounts. (reference: Exporting Users)
Once the new Azure Entra ID instance is set up, please ensure that all users are migrated accordingly, creating user accounts that correspond to your existing Zendesk users.
It’s essential to link the existing Zendesk user accounts to the new Entra ID accounts. please ensure that the email addresses in the new Entra ID match those in Zendesk to facilitate a seamless transition.
You can start modifying the SSO configuration in Zendesk to point to the new Azure Entra ID instance. This will involve updating the necessary settings in the Zendesk admin panel to ensure proper claims and tokens are configured.
Since the user history and tickets in Zendesk are tied to user accounts, as long as the email addresses remain consistent, user history should remain accessible. If you encounter any changes in identifiers, we may need to update user IDs in Zendesk via the API or bulk import options.
If you have any questions or need further clarification on any of these steps, please feel free to reach out via our support widget at anytime.